Tech Magazine

Britain Needs to up It's Technology Game

Posted on the 09 December 2012 by The_kian @the_kian
Hey Guys,
I was given an English task where I had to write about something that concerns me about Britain and writing about technology came naturally to me, so that's what I did. Since this is an important piece of work and I have a technology website, I'd thought I'd use it to my advantage and ask you what you think about it. Please give me comment or email me some feedback. It would be much appreciated :)
Modern Britain is like an ostrich when it comes to innovating new technology. We have wings but we can’t fly.
All the revolutionary and new twists to technology in our era country have originated from elsewhere. Google, Apple and Microsoft, which of these influential businesses specialising in technology were born in Britain? Absolutely none of them!
The outstanding problem with this is that we are always last to get the latest technology. For example, the Kindle fire, even if it is inferior, was released in the United Kingdom a catastrophic 6 months after the US release. Furthermore, everyone is this country is getting way too excited over 4G as if it’s cutting edge and up to date technology . But no. 4G was available in South Korea in 2006, America in 2008, Lithuania in 2009 and a whole 6 years after it had been originally released, in the United Kingdom. 4G is a worn and outdated facility in a countless amount of countries but in our nation, it is new, state of the art technology.
Another unforeseen aspect of our poor technological status is our internet download speeds. The typical internet download speed for our country is only 18.37 Mbps. This ranks us at an average 23rd globally. Hong Kong is at the top the table with 42 Mbps! Over two times our speeds. With our pathetic upload speeds, we are at a scandalous 51st place with a shameful 3.37Mbps upload speed. Whereas, South Korea and Hong Kong have around 28Mbps, which is almost 10 times our crawling speeds. We really need to pull something out of the bag and dramatically increase our speeds if we are ever going to be able compete against rival countries. Our people are brainwashed into thinking we have fast internet when in comparison it is actually incredibly slow, just because we give our technology names like “Fibre Optic”, it doesn’t mean it’s good.
Our nation needs to get back into the technological area. During the industrial revolution throughout the 18th and 19th century we were renowned for our technological advances. We invented the television, the telephone, the World Wide Web, the train, photography, the electric motor, the computer, the tank and the light bulb. What great inventions are we thinking of now?
Everything we create is now useless and pointless. We’re coming up with things such as DAB which completely failed. It is a fact that during the industrial revolution, Britain’s economy soared and that has been taken away from us because we are too lazy to innovate more technology and we are leaving it to countries such as Japan, Korea and America.
More people need to be educated in the field of computer science and people in education should be more encouraged to use technology rather than told to write with pencil and paper, children should be taught how be more creative rather than following the rules and ideas of other people, to make their work special to themselves instead of a duplicate of everyone else’s work. If we are to exist as a thriving country we must start thinking creatively and teaching to think creatively, or we can be lazy and keep on falling behind.

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