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Bringing Your Pup Home

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
pup home

So that it runs comfortably and smoothly, and is free of stress for all concerned, you must prepare for the “finally bringing my dog home” date BEFORE you actually bring your new pet home. It’s important to establish care rules and routine for all the family in advance of the big day when you’ll collect your pup.

(Check out Dog House Rules)

Setting a date well in advance will also give you time to get all the necessary items ready, like:

  • traveling crate
  • bed and bedding
  • food
  • water and bowls
  • toys
  • collar, ID tags
  • vet check-up appointment

Guidelines to Bringing Your Pup Home

bringing your puppy home

For puppies, take a week or so off from work, as a young puppy  will need feeding and letting out to relieve himself more frequently than an adult. Over this period of time, gradually train the puppy to wait a little longer between toilet times.

Slowly leave him longer and longer without your attention, or presence, restricted to an area of the house where he can do little damage and which is safe for him, to accustom him to being left on his own in preparation for when you go back to work.

You will need to arrange for someone to come in and see to the puppy at least once during the day while you’re out until he’s older and can cope better mentally and physically with your prolonged absences.

*image source

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