Religion Magazine

Bringing the Next Generation to Hafganot

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
In what could be their smartest move in a long time, Haredi protesters in Jerusalem held their protest with strollers and little children. They were protesting construction of light rail line son Strauss Street, claiming it will be damaging to the character and nature of their neighborhood.
source: INN
I am not sure if bringing the young 'uns to the protest was symbolic in nature, having to do with the character of the neighborhood, or if it was to prevent security forces from reacting with violence and water cannons and the like. Either way, it was definitely a smart move that would make the protest more difficult to break up.
The other possibility, of course, is that perhaps the children reached the age of chinuch and the parents were taking them out to the hafgana for that purpose - to begin their training in the mitzva of protesting the Zionist State's actions.
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