I am linking up today with Kelly from Kelly's Korner.
Today's topic is Bringing Faith to Life.
I am stealing a phrase from a study this weekend; Faith equals Trust. Anywhere that you would say faith it is interchangeable with trust.
I try daily to bring faith/trust to life but will always fall short of my goal. And you know, that is okay. We are all going to fall short of our own expectations. Sometimes we set the bar so very high.
I leave the house by 7:15 to get my little lady to school and me to work. Work 9 hours straight with no lunch break (required to eat at my desk) which is fine but hard some days to not have that break. Then off to pick up little lady and get home for dinner. Hubby gets little man to school and works a full day then picks up little man and helps with homework for the little lady while I try to get dinner on the table by 6:30. Because then we have to actually eat, do the whole bedtime routine and try to have the kids in bed by 8. Little lady prefers to be in bed by 7:30 b/c she requires that much sleep.
I say that to not bring sympathy for my day b/c I am blessed with an amazing job and love our time at home in the evenings as a family but to say that I am very hard on myself sometimes for not doing more in being in a closer relationship with my Lord. It is so easy to be hard on myself for not being the "Pinterest Mom", "Have it all together Mom", "Don't make it to many Bible studies Mom" or "Go to all the school functions Mom". That last one can really make me be hard on myself.
I have to have faith and trust that God is working on changing me and growing me as His daughter daily.
I believe I try to bring this to life daily as I pray with my daughter before school, as we lay in the bed with each child at bedtime to pray and sing songs. Letting little man sing Jesus loves the little children fifteen times in a row. Watching the kids watch my belly grow and talk about the miracle inside of me that they will meet in a few short months. When speaking into my daughter that God made her perfect in all of her petiteness and trying to instill in them that God has big plans for them!
I also do this as I talk/pray with a co-worker who recently lost her unborn baby and know exactly how she feels. Talk about having faith and trusting in Him! I don't know His plans but know they are bigger than what I can imagine!
Should I study more? Yes.
Should I play with my kids with my full attention more? Yes.
And the list could go on and on.
Don't be so hard on yourself if you don't make it to every ladies Bible study or don't get up at 4am to pray. God knows your heart and where you are in this stage of your life. Have a personal relationship with him. We should always push to better ourselves in the aspect of growing in faith and trust in Him but the way you do that is going to look different than the way I do it. For example; my quiet time with God is typically in my car on the way to work in the mornings and you may not have time in the car with no kiddos but may be able to stay up late or get up early for that time.
Be the hands and feet of Jesus, show His love daily, and you are bringing your faith/trust to life!
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