Over the years, I've come across some of the better ways of dealing with that dreaded hangover - most include sleeping as much as possible, and eating! At Christmas time we all overindulge; be it too many mince pies, roast potatoes or one too many glasses of sherry, but luckily having time off from work and 'reality' it gives you a little extra time to recover.
Here's how I plan on getting through that fragile morning-after-the-night-before feeling this festive period...Now is a good a time as any to chill. Wrap up in a duvet or on the sofa (get that fire going) with a good book or film... and the pooch. Nothing is better than a snuggle with your pooch (or feline friend) when you aren't feeling your best. They don't judge, are a ready-made hot water bottle and no matter how gross you feel will cheer you up. I'm currently reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and am hooked! I can tell it's going to be a tear jerker, but just love the storyline so far. Sometime after Christmas, Rich and I will be going to see The Hobbit at the cinema, but today we've been curling up on the sofa watching Harry Potter... and Rich watching the football! My all-time favorite films which I cannot go without at Christmas include Gone With The Wind, The Sound of Music, LOTR, and some of my more recent favourites include The Help, Twilight and Elf (of course!).As you can imagine, food plays a pretty important role when you have that morning-after feeling. After a nice cup of tea, with a sugar to bring me back to normality, I usually crave warm hearty soup. My favourites are Butternut Squash and Bacon soup, as well as chicken or turkey soup which is perfect to make with those Christmas leftovers! I am a firm believer in pasta solving most of life's traumas, so often turn to a good Carbonara or Macaroni Cheese to refuel. There's never too much cake at Christmas time, so if you're feeling fairly healthy then get baking! Gingerbread Men, Banana and Chocolate Chip Loaf and Fridge Cake are my ultimate no-fuss favourites. Now, if you are feeling really ropey, fresh air is your savior. Wrap up warm, and get out there to blow away the cobwebs (and jager shots). Ever better, get the pooch involved and you're both benefiting! Our Christmas always involves a family walk on Christmas day, and another on Boxing day. No snow for us this year it seems, but the cold crisp air will make you feel one hundred times better. Get the Uggs out, your thickest jumper and get going!And if all else fails, something cute is bound to cheer you up! Unfortunately I cannot take credit for the incredible pooch + outfit above, but that cutie on the right is my nephew William. This year is his first Christmas, I cannot wait for cuddles and playtimes... with both William, and Tilly the pooch!I hope you are all enjoying the lead up to Christmas - lots of festive love!images from Pinterest, and some of my own