Lifestyle Magazine

Bring Back Our Peace by Imo-owo Mbede

By 9jagirl4real

Bring Back our Peace by Imo-owo MbedeOriginally posted on International Eagles of Nigeria:

Despite widespread condemnation, recurrent incidences of violence point to a persisting ‘culture’ of violence in the world at large – and Nigeria in particular, where violence has been unprecedentedly visible and audible. But where does so much violence stem from? The persistence of violence in Nigeria stems basically from an inherited lifestyle of violence, ignorance and neglect of conflict prevention, management and resolution techniques; t he direct result of the predisposition of people to – and propagation of – an innate culture of violence in society. In daily interactions with siblings, kin and peers, as well as in the media, people are exposed to various forms and degrees of violence and so it continues to be a norm. This prevalence points to a tragic future of violence and insecurity.

Why then do we labor round the clock to ensure that our children “become a success in future”, if this “future”…

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Filed under: Africa, Family, Forgiveness, Future, Girl, God, Hope, Life, Love, Nigeria, Preseverance Tagged: Advancement, Blessing, Breaking the norms, Difference, Emotional, Free, Helping others, Helping ourselves, Perseverance, Persistance

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