Photography Magazine

Brighton Beach Wedding Photography | Jackie & Chris Got Married!

By Tuxandtales @TuxandTales

The Master Mariner Restaurant Brighton Beach

I have been looking forward to Jackie & Chris’s wedding since the SECOND I first chatted with them. Jackie and Chris are just such a fun and cute couple that I knew their wedding day was going to be stupidly amazing – and IT WAS. We had such a fun time traipsing around Brighton getting up to shenanigans and having a bit of ice cream. Then, we nipped over to the Master Mariner where there was hog roast and fun to be had – and an all night buffet with some seriously gorgeous food. Everyone was having an absolute whale of a time and Chris’s brother gave a fantastic best man speech although I may never look at a sports direct mug in the same way again.

Congratulations you crazy kids!

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