Books Magazine

Briar Rose

By Itellyouastory

A king and queen once  upon a time reigned in  a country a great wayoff, where there were in those days fairies. Now this king and queen hadplenty of money, and plenty of fine clothes to wear, and plenty of goodthings to eat and drink, and a coach to ride  out in every day: butthough they  had been married many years they had  no children, and thisgrieved them  very much indeed. But  one day  as the  queen was walkingby the  side of  the river, at the bottom of the garden,  she saw a poorlittle fish, that  had thrown itself out of  the water, and  lay gaspingand  nearly dead on  the bank. Then the queen took pity on the littlefish, and threw it back again into the river;  and before it  swam awayit  lifted its head  out of  the water and said, «I know what your  wishis, and it shall be fulfilled,  in return for your kindness  to me—youwill soon  have a daughter.» What  the little fish had foretold  sooncame to  pass; and the  queen had a  little girl, so very beautiful thatthe king could not  cease looking on it  for joy, and said he  wouldhold a  great feast and make  merry, and show  the child to all theland. So he  asked his kinsmen, and nobles, and  friends, andneighbours. But the  queen said, «I will  have the fairies also,  thatthey might  be kind  and good  to  our little  daughter.» Now  therewere thirteen fairies in the kingdom; but as the king and queen had onlytwelve golden dishes for them to eat out of, they were forced to leaveone of the fairies without asking her. So twelve  fairies came, eachwith a high  red cap on her head,  and red shoes with  high heels on herfeet, and a  long white wand in her hand: and after  the feast was overthey gathered  round in a ring and gave all their  best gifts to thelittle princess. One  gave her goodness, another beauty, another riches,and so on till she had  all that was good in the world.


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