Distinguished for their loose-jointed, shuffling gait and short-faced, huge head, Bulldogs are known for their calmness and a trace of stubbornness. Bulldogs are among the most loved and popular dog breeds worldwide, mainly because of their affectionate and mild personality and the cutest wrinkles ever!
Said to have originated in the British Isles, the name “bull” was applied because of the dog’s connection with bull baiting. The original bulldog had to be ferocious and courageous, and almost insensitive to pain. When dog fighting became illegal in England, fanciers set to the task of preserving the breed by eliminating the fierce characteristics. Within a few generations, the Bulldog became one of the finest physical specimens with an agreeable temperament.
The Bulldog breed was believed to originate in the British Isles. The name “bull” was connected with the breed because of the dog’s connection with bull baiting. The first Bulldogs are said to be fierce to the point of vicious, daring and almost unfeeling towards pain. But when dog fighting was banned in England, Bulldog owners changed the dog’s training to a less fierce one.
Physical wise, Bulldogs are wide, compact and medium in size.
Head – massive, extra skin on both the skull and forehead falling in folds
Muzzle – wide, short
Stop – broad, deep
Nose – broad, large nostrils
Eyes – dark, deep set
Ears – small, thin, set-high
Jaws- massive, very broad, square
Teeth- should have an under bite
Body – huge, with extra folds of skin
Tail – either straight or screwed
Bulldog coat is short, straight, and smooth. The colors are usually solid white, solid red, fawn, fallow, piebald, pale yellow or washed-out red or white or a combination of these shades.
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