Feeling fresh from a very deep slumber, I knew that I wanted to bag a very Macanese 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!' Seeking for something uniquely Cantonese, I consulted my go-to '点评/Review' APP for inspiration! Macau knew that I had been craving something from a '茶餐廳/Greasy Spoon', I missed Hong Kong's own fusion cafes! Let's go to the beach! Vamos comer!

No, I wasn't playing that morning! I woke early to a dry Macau because the rain the previous day had not impressed me at all! Yes, I was proudly sober, that honestly allowed me to navigate those winding Macanese streets with ease. I wanted one of the famous pork buns, I also needed a legendary ice cold milk tea! I had decided that I wanted my foodie experience that day to be purely Cantonese, no Portuguese inspired food was consumed for these mentioned meals. I didn't have trouble finding my breakfast spot because I had bought a sim card at the airport the previous day upon arriving from the Mainland. Clocking what said 'Cha Chaan Teng' had me feeling like a winner, Macau knew that I needed something eat! I pulled out my Mandarin Chinese speaking skills to order my breakfast, I really don't know any Cantonese other than 'thank you'. I didn't need to peruse through any menu, I already knew what I wanted! I ordered a pork bun and a milk tea, there would be no mistakes made. Cantonese was the core language.
That 'greasy spoon' served a true Macanese flavor with Traditional Chinese writing on the main signage, the local patrons were very local indeed and I wasn't mad about that! I had to take a double take at the blue tiles that lined the interior walls, they were serving Portuguese fusion with a warm European pattern. I was being served culture in real-time! My ordered was served up quickly, I bit into my pork bun without much thought. I was caught off-guard because a layer of peanut butter had been spread on bottom bun! The softness of the bun, savoury pork worked sublimely with the sweet peanut butter, it was a rich taste test! My milk tea was ice cold, it possessed the perfect blend of sweet and bitter at the same time! Yes, that milky drink reminded me of that same 'Cha Chaan Teng' breakfast I had enjoyed in Hong Kong during 2023. Paying cash felt like an alien concept, in Macau my WeChat Pay was a no-go situation! Breakfast was a treat, I felt present in those streets and for that Macau's return was not in vain! Delicioso? Sim!

After breakfast, I really looked at my first trip to Macau that was in 2016, I wanted to push beyond the boundaries of the Peninsula! One way or another, I made it past the casinos on Taipa by way of the LRT and a bus, Macau's transportation infrastructure really was the one, two, three and four! 'Coloane Village' will be mentioned in a future blog publication but for now I wanted to recapture my late-lunch meeting with Macau's 'Cheoc Van Beach'. Lunch was served in the form of a deserted beach, the rain had started to pour down after what had been a very dry morning, I remained unbothered. I was determined to get a nice photo of the beach because it allowed me to feel a sense of 'holiday'. I literally had the beach all to myself, I wasn't mad that the weather had turned sour but I wanted those clouds to get out of my panorama. I would get my beach photo with some blue skies present, I was again very determined to achieve such a feat! That period of sobriety would end, I found a delicious bottle of 'Super Bock!' Tão adorável!
I had no need to move from my elevated seat, I was able to see the whole bay without any boats disturbing my view. 'Praia de Cheoc Van' looked as if it could be a really popular place on a sunny day, one with the opportunity for the swimming pool to be full! Oh, I wasn't mad as I made the most of that isolated beachside view with my internet secretly allowing me into Facebook and all of those hushed outside social media platforms. Instagram scrolling 'Beside The Sea? I do think! My 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner' experience in Macau had already treated me to many delights I had simply overlooked during my first visit! I stayed at the beach for a little bit longer because I was conscious that I would need to take the bus back towards Barra LRT Station. At the last minute I was able to take a nice beachfront photo with a smattering of blue skies, those clouds were ever present. Come on through public transport, I jumped off the next to the casinos because the LRT was a less crowded ride back to the Peninsula. Not this, M!

My evening meal was on my mind! I had freshened up and had headed out onto the streets of Macau's Peninsula. The skies were right, that warm summer night led me through a myriad of alley ways that turned into streets, serving a mix of local apartments and protected Portuguese buildings. I half had an idea where I wanted to have my dinner at, I also wanted something Cantonese to eat for that evening meal. Consulting the application that I had done that same morning, I was able to find one place that served a roast pork dish. I wanted something that had an aromatic taste, seeking for something that I could order in the UK with a sweeter taste than other Chinese foods. The bright lights of Macau kept me going, I was living with the life that was in front of me! Would that first intended dining choice be the one or just a means to an end? All would be revealed! Macau didn't know how much I appreciated the lights and sounds as evening had fully arrived, the night was very young! There was something in the air, I needed to eat fast!
That intended meal spot was rammed busy, I looked across the road to find my second choice standing by, looking a lot less hectic! I showed the picture of the pork dish to the workers who were manning the doors, they showed me the menu. I was even able to get the price in local Macanese Pataca, I knew where I wanted to eat at! Ordering that said pork dish, I knew that I needed to sink a bottle of '澳门啤酒/Macau Beer!' My excuse for the second bottle was that I needed to set the mood for the photo, I knew what I was doing deep down! My meal was dished up quickly, I literally cleared the plate within seconds because it was just delicious! The sweet tasting pork was like a melody, it made my stomach smile! I never knew my stomach was capable of smiling?! Macau proved that otherwise! I had enjoyed my meal and then some, I was ready for the night ahead, I already knew where my next destination was! My day had been wonderful, everything tasted and looked amazing, I had no complaints at all! Muito Obrigada!
Make Way For Macau!
Desperately Seeking Adventure