Destinations Magazine

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner... Lishui, China!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Respectfully, I wanted to protect my piece during that final day in Lishui City! Now, this installment of 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner' was completely unplanned! I had no expectation for that final day, I just wanted to eat some good food and soak up that small city before I headed back to Ningbo the next day. Sure, having no expectations led me to find several hidden gems! 

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner... Lishui, China!

Heading out, I kept my eyes on the prize whilst my stomach focussed on breakfast! Now, I wasn't about to head for McDonald's that was down the road from my hotel! I was about to get creative with those choices because I took control of that Lishui day before my May Day Holiday concluded. The mission for that morning was simple, eat something tasty and keep it moving! I had sourced a simple yet very popular place for breakfast, that highly rate spot gave me a good impression because the reviews were positive with photos to match. I had to walk around twenty minutes or less to find that breakfast option. Yes, I was surprised by the interaction that I was about to have! I was approached by a local man, he addressed me in English and that shocked me! He had worked in Slovakia and he was temporarily visiting Lishui. That mystery man was surprised that I was teaching in a city like Ningbo but there was no shade! Taking a selfie with him I did, he expressed how many people in Lishui don't get to interact with foreigners. Truth! 

Going back to breakfast, I ordered the meat pastry with the quickness because they looked delicious on the APP! I chose to boost that breakfast choice by having a bowl of wonton soup, it was rich and warming. Not to forget the heat because the weather had already heated up a lot, had I really chosen two warm options? Yes, I had fully made that decision and needed to commit to it! That simple breakfast joint did have a few other local customers, my presence wasn't a concern, I just looked very different! The meat pastry was just enough, I wolfed it down because it was reminiscent of a meat pasty from home! The wonton soup was something that I needed, it warmed me up even though the morning heat had me almost sweating! I chose to wash it all down with a bottle of soy milk, it was not easy to find coffee places in Lishui! Embracing something down-to-earth, I embraced Lishui's popular choices over something easier like McDonald's or KFC! Clearly, I was able to take Lishui back and make my experience my own! 

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner... Lishui, China!

Lunch saw me making the most of what Lishui's pint-sized city had to offer me, I didn't want to waste a single second! Heading from breakfast in a taxi saw me arriving swiftly at Lishui's own 'Wan Xiang Shan Park' to find that elusive park was actually closed for a reason that I wasn't able to establish. Fearing nothing, I headed towards Lishui's 'Ou Jiang River' to really feel the heat of the day as that pre-afternoon moment was getting seriously hot indeed! I found these places easy because my local maps were working fine and my Chinese reading skills stand to have improved. I noticed that the houses on the other side of the river looked brand new, there was real need for me to see some older buildings but that area wasn't giving such a look! I did appreciate the pavilion that I saw away from the riverside, that grassy area gave me a certain refuge from the scorching sunshine. Lishui had fully swerved the typhoon that had plagued Jiangsu Province and Shanghai, the calmness in the air was unmatched. Z, Lishui kept me safe! 

I had clocked on my much mentioned APP that Lishui boasted a small yet very functionally Gay bar! Now, with many of these establishments dwindling due to unmentionable reasons, I kept an eye out on those maps! I was able to locate the complex that the possible Gay bar was supposed to be located, I would save that for later on! I continued my realistic attitude towards what Lishui could offer me, that small town city feel impressed me because those ascending stone steps presented something more ordinary and less new. I liked those concrete residential buildings from that upward angle, there was something ordinary and pedestrian about them. I really liked being in an uncomplicated place, I was required to find my own entertainment and sights to marvel at. I forgot to mention that a certain city swimmer spooked me slightly because like many, his swimming trunks were non-existent! That was a visual mishap swerved before it was too late! Heading back to my hotel seemed wise, I wanted to freshen up before the night! 

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner... Lishui, China!

Refreshed and ready for whatever the night would bring, I wanted to have a few beers after such a chaotic and unpredictable trip! I headed back towards the riverside, my APP continued to work wonders for me, beef skewers and chips were possible! I rocked up to '1977 BBQ House', I found out that they served craft beer on draft! I ordered a portion of meat skewers that had a side order of chips, I made sure my beverage was a Belgian Blond beer. It was warm enough to sit outside, the almost summer air really made it feel like my summer holiday had already arrived! I made sure my second beer would be the same because my Belgium travel plans for that July needed to be prepared for! That new looking Lishui food place served me a delicious meal, I had no complaints to make! I felt proud that I had found such a venue, those beers were very much needed and appreciated! You know that Gay bar needed to be found! I wanted a couple of beers to end the night! Calling another taxi needed to be done, I had a venue to search for! Oh, Lishui!

Sure, that complex I had clocked during the same afternoon came into view once again but after dark. I had a feeling that I needed to take the steps down to the lower level, something told me that this establishment didn't want to be found easily. I found that bar, taking note of its nautical theme I felt so shocked that I had stumbled upon such a venue during this day and age. I sensed that being a smaller city cast less emphasis on such venues not being able to weather a certain storm. I definitely confused the guy who was serving drinks because I explained that I didn't want to buy more than one beer at time. He called his boss and within seconds, he told me that I would be able to drink for free! I couldn't believe my luck, I had found a Gay bar and I had just been told that my drinks were complimentary! I kept my split train departure in my mind, I drank two beers and called it a night. Growth is slowly catching up with me! 'Breakfast' was delicious, 'Lunch' was interesting and 'Dinner' got a little boozy! You know that I liked Lishui! 

I Was Impressed! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure 

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