Kuala Lumpur brought it big during my first official day in that Malaysian capital city, I experienced two class act meals and some Islamic faith for good measure. 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner' has made its way to a fourth country, nothing will ever stop this blog series from expanding on a worldwide basis! I really didn't know what to expect, Kuala Lumpur was a gift!

After what felt like the longest sleep, I surfaced from my hotel early on during that December 2023 morning onto the streets of Kuala Lumpur. I really wanted something 'Malaysian' for my breakfast. I headed towards 'Chinatown KL' to meet again with 'Jalan Petaling'. That covered market street had barely opened and it had already attracted a fair few people, what was their game? That wasn't my business, I wanted my breakfast! I had done my research to find that a familiar looking 'coffee and toast' situation acted as a local breakfast sensation, I wanted to try some of that! I did see a 'Kaya Toast' establishment as I walked along 'Petaling Street' but it looked shiny and new, not the mood I had intended to find. Would I be able to find my own 'Malaysian breakfast?' Of course, I kept on walking and never gave up because those hunger pangs were doing the most! Malaya Garden, who? I didn't even know her! My breakfast grew closer! Would this breakfast act as some colonial throwback? I wanted to know because, maybe?
'Jalan Balai Polis' held the key to a few breakfast options, the first two eateries were jammed! I saw one place had a queue that tried to give me a headache just by looking at the chaos, I knew where I needed to head for! 'Malaya Garden' did not look busy from those first glances, I was ultimately sold because the breakfast trio looked just what I had wanted! I switched up one component, ordering one serving of Kaya butter toast, a soft boiled egg and a cup of Malaysian coffee. Heading upstairs to be greeted with a bustling restaurant scene, before I knew I had stirred my coffee, assembled my toast and that super soft egg had been cracked. I loved dipping the rich Kaya butter toast into the dippy egg, the consistency was bang on! The coffee gave me the kick that I needed, I was impressed with that Malaysian brew! Sure, my breakfast was an absolute bargain! Heading away from the noise allowed me to find something perfect for breakfast, feeling satisfied with that kick-starter of a meal because I had a lot to achieve! Kopi!

After I was done with Central Market, I walked along the river way where I met both 'Klang and Gombak Rivers'. My main destination was KL's 'Sultan Abdul Samad Jamek Mosque' otherwise more simply known as 'Masjid Jamek. Being in a multi-faith country with Islam at the core, this made me want to visit a mosque before any other major place of worship in Kuala Lumpur! I wanted this lunchtime treat to fill me up with knowledge and some wisdom because we should never stop learning about cultures and faith outside of our own. I paid the few Ringgits to cover my legs and shoulders because apparently my winter sun outfit wasn't appropriate for the mosque? I had no judgement, I followed their rules politely and without question. It was a treat, lunch never tasted so good with all of those fine details served, 'Masjid Jamek' had a really quaint feel to it. Taking off my shoes at the bottom of the steps was the right thing to do, I wanted to take a look inside the prayer hall. Designed by the British? Oh yes, 1909 was the year!
I felt a sense of calm as I stepped inside the prayer hall, it was nice to be greeted by a volunteer. He went on to tell be the fundamentals of Islam, for me it was all very interesting because the family tree he showed me contained my own name in Arabic. I really found it worthwhile, his passion for his religion was great to see and hear about. We agreed that religion is religion and that being a good person counts for something at least, I found out that Islam is a religion that focuses on one true divine god. This friendly messenger-like man went on to tell me that the mosque held a certain significance for Kuala Lumpur. I wanted to know more! For me, my visit to the mosque allowed me to hear some interesting facts and take in a gorgeous looking place of worship. I am not religious but I valued the volunteers words and thanked him for his information and time. The beating sun had me feeling thirsty! I exited the mosque where I headed for yet another ice cold Milo! Lunch had been served, Masjid Jamek had schooled me!

As mentioned before, I returned back to Jalan Petaling during the evening on that first day to find something for my evening meal. Under no circumstances would I be settling for any Chinese food because I could get that every other day of the week in Ningbo! I wanted something Malaysian to eat for my dinner but nothing like 'Nasi Lemak' because I wasn't sorry to say that national dish didn't look very appetising at all! After walking around the streets of Chinatown KL for about twenty minutes or so, I was able to find a very local looking Malaysian eating spot. I ordered one portion of 'Nasi Goreng Ayam' with an ice cold Milo for good measure. Now, listen carefully because 'Nasi' means rice and 'Nasi Goreng' ended up being Malaysian fried rice! I chose 'Ayam' as my protein, meaning 'chicken' and to finish it off I had asked for a fried egg to be served on top of my rice and chicken. It was the perfect familiar meal to end my day, of course certain Malaysian elements were present. I appreciated the local vibe, you know that I did! Eat!
As I tucked into my Malaysian evening meal, I watched some kind of Islamic 'Songs of Praise' that was being played. Was it a call to prayer? I really didn't know but appreciated that swift injection of culture. A man switched the channel over to play the news, all in 'Bahasa Malaysia' I wasn't able to understand much but what I did really wasn't welcomed! One news report showed old stock footage about a then surge of COVID-19 infections that had been traced in Singapore. That trip to Malaysia had been the first time I had completely exited China's border, Hong Kong was a practice run but seeing those news reports away from the Mainland wasn't appreciated. Those reports didn't amount to anything, Malaysia went on with a Pandemic free way of life as Singapore needed to do as well! I carried on eating my food until every single last bite had been enjoyed! Making my way back to my hotel was easy, the day had been long and those meals had carried me through. Sure, Kuala Lumpur served a mighty fine 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!' OK!
Another Milo? Yes, Please?!
Desperately Seeking Adventure