Yes you read this post title right, Birds eye are now doing a frozen breakfast range too and we were only too happy to help sample it.
In my local Iceland store the new products were in the first freezer I came too, (they can be found in most supermarkets). The products include sweet waffles, pancakes and croissants (the latter was not in store unfortunately).
The pancakes come as classic and choc chip and no prizes for guessing which we chose!
My kids were quite bemused that they could have birds eye products for breakfast, being that they are more used to fish fingers and nuggets from the same company. They also found it strange having something frozen.
The waffles and pancakes both take just minutes to make and both go in the toaster.
Both are sweet to begin with but for added flavour or sweetness you can turn them into an American style breakfast by adding maple syrup.
Or be a bit more adventurous or healthy and eat them with fruit, yoghurt or anything else.
They make really tasty alternatives to just having toast and so quick to make too.
Iceland currently have a 2 for £3 deal on these packs.