Food & Drink Magazine

Bread Omelette

By Pavani @napavani
This will be my last and final post for Blogging Marathon for this year. Thanks to Valli for organizing these monthly marathon and also coming up with interesting and challenging themes every month. Bread Omelette
Recipe that I'm revisiting today is one of my husband's famous, Bread Omelette. As I was looking through my archives to pick dishes to make for this week, I found this post and asked my husband to pitch in for the blog. He gladly obliged and made it for our lunch today. I served the bread omelet with some cut fruit for a filling lunch.
Recipe can be found here. Bread Omelette It was interesting to read my original post from 2006 where I was complaining about the weekends being short. Now after 6+years, I can't help but think how fast all these years have flew by, with a 5 year kiddo and a 4 month old infant, it doesn't look that the time is ever going to stop or slow down anytime soon.
Enjoy the Holiday Season everyone. I'll be back with the Best of 2012 post pretty soon. Bread Omelette Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked up today for BM# 23. Signature

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