Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Boys Will Eat Anything, Even Bugs!

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

One of the employee’s here at ProBest Pest Management (Andon) was called to be a Scoutmaster at his ward. First off let me say I’m extremely proud of Andon and his commitment to Scouting. Andon never made it to Eagle Scout – he got to Life but he has three boys so I’m crossing my fingers. Scout Troop 835 Gladiators


So they decided to watch Bear Gryll’s and try eating some crickets and larvets (meal-worms). They come in some tasty little treats and flavors like Bacon & Cheddar, Salt & Vinegar, Sour Cream & Onion and Mexican Spice & BBQ. We do sell them at our office or you can check them out at

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