Books Magazine

Bout Of Books 13 – Day 4 Challenges + Updates

By Jazmin-Jade
Bout of Books

Day 1

Pages Read: 122

Books Finished: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Day 2

Pages Read: 282

Books Started: Kissing In America by Margo Rabb

Books Read: Ashlynn’s Dreams by Julie Gilbert

Day 3

Pages Read: 306

Books Finished: Kissing In America by Margo Rabb

Books Started:

  1. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
  2. Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Day 3

Pages Read: 314

Books Finished: Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Books Started: Half Bad by Sally Green

Books Read:

  1. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
  2. Ashlynn’s Dreams by Julie Gilbert

Modern To Classic Challenge

Share one book that you believe will be considered a classic in 100 years time. Simple? I do have a few caveats, the book must have been published in or after 2005 and you need to provide two reasons for why this book will be a classic.

For me details check out the host blog.

When thinking of a bool for this challenge, only one jumped into my mind. But I thought I should at least consider others so I looked briefly at my other 4-5 star rated books. And I mean briefly. I scanned about 5 titles before I gave up because there was no point, I was going to choose this book anyway. Anyone who has been reading my blogs for awhile should be able to tell which book it is already. I choose:

On The Jellicoe Road By Melina Marchetta



  1. This book contains many many lessons. While life can be unbelievably sad and unfair this is so much joy that can be found in the simple things, which can turn into big things. Things you think you know, you may be completely wrong about and this can be the best thing ever. Friendship and love can come from the most unexpected places. Its never too late to start living, and so many more. All of which are things we as human beings are going to need to keep reminding ourselves and learning till the end of time.
  2. The story is told at an age and through a girl who needs to learn and come to understand all these things herself, just like many of its possible readers will be if they are willing to sit a moment, read the book, and absorb all the lessons and the meanings that its pages just drips with. Not to mention that it does it in a way where you are not bored to death and is a remarkably sad but still touching and heart warming story.

Till Next Time…

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