The New Zealand city of Dunedin is rocked when a wealthy and apparently respectable businessman is murdered in his luxurious home while his wife is bound and gagged and forced to watch. But when Detective Sam Shephard and her team start investigating the case, they discover that the victim had links with some dubious characters.

The case seems cut and dried, but Sam has other ideas. Weighed down by her dad's terminal cancer diagnosis, and by complications in her relationship with Paul, she needs a distraction, and launches her own investigation. And when another murder throws the official case into chaos, it's up to Sam to prove that the killer is someone no one could ever suspect...
The image of the clock's hands burned into her retinas as she started, willing her eyes to stay focused, there, on that spot. 1
(@OrendaBooks, 11 January 2021, 260 pages, ebook, copy from the publisher and voluntarily reviewed, #BlogTour 4 March)
I'm new to this author. I really enjoyed Bound so might check out more of her work. I read a lot of thriller and Bound contained a lot of the elements I enjoy in this type of fiction such as fast pace and twists and turns. I like a good police procedural and the fact this is set in New Zealand offered me something a bit different than the thrillers I read. I can't say the plot is the most original I've come across but it's well written, engaging and I liked the way the plot unravels. I thought the characters were all well written and believable. A solid thriller for me.