Shopping Magazine

Boskke Sky Planter

Posted on the 23 October 2013 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes

Boskke Sky Planter

Here at Man of Many we really do enjoy an unusual twist on an everyday item. Something that makes us stop and go ‘how the heck does that work?’ The Sky Planter was the most recent product to hit our desks to cause not only a confused face but raise a smile at the simple ingenuity. There is more room on your ceiling than any other surface in your house right? So why not hang things from it. The Sky Planter allows you to hang indoor plants upside down from your ceiling creating an indoor garden without sacrificing space. A handy built in water filter means you only need top up every 2 weeks or once a month depending on the plant. £14.95-£44.95 GBP

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