In the summer there are many music festivals. A music festival is a community event oriented towards live performances of singing and instrument playing that is often presented with a theme such as musical genre (e.g., blues, folk, jazz, classical music), nationality, or locality of musicians, or holiday. Some festivals are focused on women's music.
They are commonly held outdoors, with tents or roofed temporary stages for the performers. Often music festivals host other attractions such as food and merchandise vending, dance, crafts, performance art, and social or cultural activities.
A new attraction is that in a separate area partygoers can attend the performances full nude. Maybe you think it's an interesting or even exciting idea. But in our opinion, it is still boring. After all, there are many nude parties around the world.
The idea gets more interesting and meaningful when you can rent binoculars so you can spy on dressed people outside the festival's nude area?

See also: