A wintery day here in Central Virginia. Icy roads and sidewalks, below freezing temperatures, and no sunshine have all conspired to keep Brodie and me inside. No delightful walks among country ruins for us. Were we brave enough to venture onto treacherous sidewalks, it would certainly be with the aid of Alpine inspired boots like those worn by our man in the photo. The photo is featured in the latest issue of The Rake, which means they are made by Santoni, and are completely out of my price range.
My Alpine boots were purchased during a flash sale on The Clymb and are made by Wolverine. Like Agnelli, I plan on wearing them with a flannel suit one day. I’ll have to have the suit made first. Until then, I’ll muddle through matching them with my Donegal tweed trousers and corduroys. It’s a look that isn’t too far removed from the Virginia preppy staple of the LL Bean duck boots worn by both genders with everything once the snow begins to fall. (N.B. the Hunter boot is making a strong showing with the distaff who favor leggings and skinny jeans.)