Sushi for Beginners by Marian KeyesThis is another book I read in Spain back in July (god that seems so long ago, sigh) but never got round to reviewing on here! I love Marian Keyes - apart from one recently I just could not get into (Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married - anyone else found the same?) - and cannot wait to get my hands on her latest offering. I'd been keeping my eye out for Sushi for Beginners in charity shops for ages but to no avail, until just a couple of weeks before my holiday when I found about 5 copies in my local village fete book stand! Anyway, what is this about? Sushi for beginners centres around three main characters with very different problems, and how their lives intertwine. Lisa is a hot-shot magazine editor who moves to Dublin to launch new 'Colleen' magazine; bitter that she has been demoted from her swanky job in London. She meets Ashling - her assistant - who has massive confidence issues and constantly compares herself to her gorgeous best friend Clodagh. Ashling embarks on a relationship with a stand up comic, while Clodagh has a breakdown about being in, what seems, the 'perfect marriage'. This story is full of twists and turns, happy and sad moments, laughs and tears - up there with my favorite Keyes books (Rachel's Holiday and This Charming Man). I love how Keyes makes you feel like you really know the characters, like they were your own friends... or enemies! I think my favorite character was Ashling - partly because she is a fellow waist-less wonder. And typical of Keyes stories, I even started to like Lisa towards the end! These books never fail to make me laugh out loud, and Sushi for Beginners did not disappoint. Have you read Sushi for Beginners? Did you enjoy it? Which was your favorite character?