Books Magazine an Online Bookshop That Supports Indie Bookshops. And, ‘It’s Easier to Be a Dad, This Morning … .’

Posted on the 14 November 2020 by Angela Young @AngelaYoung4, as the Guardian articles below suggest, is exactly what the publishing world has been waiting for. is shattering sales projections, not all indies are chuffed » supports independent bookshops (it doesn’t undercut them, as the unmentionable does) and it makes it possible for independent bookshops to benefit from online sales wider than they, on their own websites, could reach.

From this article: is being described as a “revolutionary moment in the history of bookselling”: a socially conscious alternative to [the unmentionable] that allows readers to buy books online while supporting their local independent bookseller.

You can nominate your own local bookshop to be supported when you use’s website. It began in the US. Sharmaine Lovegrove writes: allows any independent shop to customise its own online store front, select books to recommend and, any time a bookshop directs a customer to the site through one of its links, it gets 30% of the sale.

The importance of supporting local bookshops as a vital part of the community has been increasingly recognised, and is reflected on this platform: every time a reader buys a book from an author, publisher, magazine or influencer page, 10% of that purchase will go to the page owner and another 10% into a profit pool for independent bookshops. In the US more than $7.5m has been raised to share among 900 bookshops. On day one [2 November] of being established in the UK, the pot was already at £12,500. [Today, 14 November, the pot is close to £124,500.00.]

This new platform offers practical solutions to keep our indie bookshops thriving and our writers reaching scores of readers. No wonder everyone is excited and delighted.

And many many people are also excited and delighted by the result of the American election. Van Jones, an American news commentator, said, on CNN, after the DemocratsJoe Biden and Kamala Harris became President and Vice-President elect:

What a man.

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