Time is pushing on and Christmas is getting close, so I thought I would do a helpful gardening books for Christmas set of reviews.

I have not paid for these books nor am I being paid to write these reviews. My words and opinions are as ever, my own.
Grow your own Lady Muck Style by Catherine Saunders
What a delight of a book this is. Catherine Saunders created the character of Lady Muck as she recovered from serious illness. Lady Muck aims to share Catherine's joy of gardening through her adventures and she does just this. It is a book that will make you smile and also teach you some gardening nuggets along the way. Lady Muck is joyfully honest about her gardening mishaps (spraying tomatoes with weedkiller rather than organic pest spray). I think it is fair to say that Lady Muck enjoys a tipple or two, so it is not a surprise that there is her hangover remedy in the book that she makes with herbs grown in her garden. On a more healthy note: Lady Muck also talks you through the plants she makes to juice.

This is an easy read, it will not boggle your brain with science; but you will learn things in a gentle but knowledgeable way. I realised I was picking up tips without even thinking about it. It is a merry romp of a book and the illustrations by Vanessa Aminian are fabulous, colourful and fun. This book would make a great gift for the gardener in your life or someone who might feel a bit over-whelmed by gardening thinking that it is all hard. Lady Muck demonstrates to us that gardening is joyous and I can only whole-heartedly agree.
Grow your own Lady Muck Style by Catherine Saunders is published by Timga Publishing and is available from Lady Muck's website plus other book sellers.
The Little Gardener's Handbook by Michael Holland and Maria Dek
The secret to writing a good children's book is not to talk down to children but to make the information clear and accessible. Michael Holland and Maria Dek understand this secret very well. I have previously reviewed a book by Michael aimed at the younger end of the market so I went into this book with high expectations which were very soon met. This book is full of good information that is clearly explained. As I read through it I realised that this book not only encourages young people to garden but also would be a great guide to anyone helping children who want to try gardening for the first time.
There are clear explanations of things that they might be interested or need to know: such as how a bee pollinates a flower or what edible fruit, leaves and flowers are. Also explained simply but well. There are also some great projects to try such as making a bug hotel and growing hanging strawberries.

I love Maria Dek's illustrations: they have genuine charm about them as does the book as a whole.
I love this book, I think it will delight children and those supporting them in growing a like and I happily recommend it.
The Little Gardener's Handbook by Michael Holland and Maria Dek is published by Big Picture Press
Take care and be kind.