Fall of the Birds by Bradford Morrow was an extremely interesting read. Once I started reading the book, I could not put it down. Each page pulled you deeper in to the story and made it feel as though the reader was actually there witnessing the tragic events. This fictional novella has a plot that will keep you interested and asking questions at the same time. Bradford Morrow tells a story about an Insurance Adjuster who goes to write claims for people who have home or property damage by a massive fall out and death of birds. The daughter of the adjuster is a senior in high school and is extremely interested in birds and has her own pet birds as well. The story starts when the daughter tells her father about the lack of robins in their yard and how there is little bird activity in their yard. I do not want to spoil the story for my readers, but everyone should read this novella as it could be a reality for many of us soon. All in all, this is a very easy and quick read that any person interested in the natural world and worried about such tragedies should read.You can purchase this title from Amazon as an eBook at this link.Disclosure: I would like to thank Open Road Media for providing me with a review copy of this novella.Advertisement