Title: Vampire Knight: Ice Blue Sin
Author: Matsuri Hino, Ayuna Fujisaki
Genre: Supernatural, Manga, Romance, Action
Length: 177
Rating: 2 Star
Related Manga Series: Vampire Knight
Related Books: Vampire Knight: Fleeting Dreams
Related Anime Series: Vampire Knight
Cross Academy: Behind its gates, humans and vampires share the same halls, separated by Day and Night – a testament to the efforts of one man to promote their peaceful co-existence. Very soon, it will bear witness to a dramatic change in dynasty centuries old in the making. But Before that, stories from the past shall set future events in stone…
Ice Blue Sin
In the hours of twilight, an intreprid Day Class girl sneaks into the most forbidden place on campus – the Moon Dormitory of te Night Class students. While these scions of vampire aristocracy do not usually take note of humans, Fuka was warmly received and even invited back among them. Something about her has got the Night Class talking, and when one becomes bewitched by the darkness, there can be no turning back…
Season of Transience
Born into a distinguished vampire hunter family, young Zero is destined to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. Used to the safety and security of training with his master, the arrival of a senior disciple soon opens his eyes to the harsh reality that is the life of a vampire hunter. Before Cross Academy beckons, this one event shall forever reshape the boy’s childhood and turn his eyes jaded to the world.
I went into this book with such high hopes because Vampire Knight is one of my all time favourite things since I accidentally discovered it on youtube one lunchtime at school.
All of them were shattered.
I HATED this book. The only reason it is not in the negatives is because it had a few fleeting moments where I thought I was enjoying myself.
I am going to chalk most of my dislike about the book to the fact that it was not written by Matsuri Hino, the author of the VK series. Most of the time I felt like I was reading bad fan fiction which I guess I was.
The start of the book was very rushed and everything kept jumping all over the place and just really didn’t make much sense at all. The dialogue between the different characters at no point felt natural to me and was all very forced and was anything any of those characters I know so well would do or say.
I think the thing I disliked the most however was that I didn’t like characters which I loved in the series when they were in this book. They were not themselves.
The second story about Zero was a little bit better. I found the story of that one much more interesting and I actually thought that the characters were pretty true to themselves. However, this story was not enough to bring the book up more than just the one star because there simply was not enough of it. This story was only about 30 pages of the book.
I find it very hard to recommend this book to anyone. I can see on goodreads that I am but one of a few who have felt this strongly about the book. I would suggest VK lovers read it just so I can know if anyone actually agrees with me.
Till Next Time…