Title: Vampire Knight: Fleeting Dreams
Author: Matsuri Hino, Ayuna Fujisaki
Genre: Supernatural, Manga, Romance, Action
Length: 263
Rating: 4 Star
Related Manga Series: Vampire Knight
Related Books: Vampire Knight: Ice Blue Sin
Related Anime Series: Vampire Knight
A collection of short stories based on Vampire Knight
Deranged Love
A dying Rido reflects on his obsessive love for Juri.
Gifts for Yuki
Kaname wants to reward Yuki for doing well on her studies with tutor Aido.
Hidden Love
This is the story of Sara’s first love.
Queen of the Abyss
After Zero parts ways with Yuki and returns to being a vampire hunter, he encounters a vampire named Shien.
Because these are just random little short stories that really have nothing to do with the actual series other than having the same characters in them, I am going to keep this review short and sweet. Unlike the other collection of short stories involving Vampire Knight Characters, Ice Blue Sin, I actually liked this one. I found the overall stories to be fun and actually reflect the characters they were about.
Deranged Love
While this was not one of my favourites of the collections, I did find it interesting to be inside Rido’s head and to experience things from his point of view for awhile. Get to know what on earth actually makes him tick because we didn’t really get to see much outside of him being totally crazy in the series.
Gifts For Yuki
I loved this story. Yuki has really always been a terrible student since she generally has always put things she considers to be more important than school ahead of her studies. Like protecting her Day Classmates from vampires, or doing something special for someone she cares about. Aido has always been very gifted when it comes to learning so Kaname brings him in to tutor her. Everyone is very excited when Yuki finally gets a perfect score. For about half a moment. I loved watching Aido freak out about how Kaname will react if Yuki does badly on her next test. I also loved how Kaname just showers Yuki with heaps of extravagant gifts for ages for the accomplishment, that is such a thing he would do. I also loved how Yuki once again buts her health and studies to the side to make them both a present. I thought this was a very cute and true representation to how these events would have gone down.
Hidden Love
I just adored this little story and I actually found it very beneficial to how I viewed Sara in the actual series. It added a little more depth where it was needed.
Queen of the Abyss
This story was fine I suppose but I found it really boring. It was another one where I don’t really understand why we were being told it. When I picture that time that Yuki and Zero were apart, a story a boring as this really didn’t come up. Zero creates much more interesting or feel worthy situations than this.
A Maiden’s Melancholy
This might have been my least favourite of the lot. I really have no idea why it was in there. I liked the fact that the only person White Lily got along with was Zero (I think it was because he raised her or something). But this story just took it too far. This took that really nice relationship and made it a bit twisted. The horse cannot possibly be in love with him and want to be with him. This story actually made me a bit uncomfortable.
In a Thousand Years
Though I found this to be a bit pointless, this story is still nice. It gave some of the Day Class students an ending, I didn’t really understand why the night class people were there. I think they would have better things to do with their time.
Now the overall book I found was not written the very best. The style tried to be that of a manga since thats where all its ideas came from, but what I think the author of the book failed to understand was that does not translate well into a novel. The writing technique is different, and because of this and the sometimes very bland writing it did take me awhile to get into this book.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has finished and like the Vampire Knight Series, but not to anyone who hasn’t. The last story is a bit of a spoiler for those not up to date.
Till Next Time..