Society Magazine

BOOK REVIEW: How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

BOOK REVIEW: How to Change Your Mind by Michael PollanHow to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics by Michael Pollan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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Psychedelics have been coming back into mainstream interest of late. Until recently, this renewed interest mostly occurred quietly through a continuation of scientific study, a promising line of inquiry that was aborted in the late 1960's. There is growing evidence that these substances may be useful for combating depression, anxiety, and addiction - as well as their other, long-known benefits. (It should be noted that while it seems the writing is on the wall for these substances to become medically legitimate, it remains controversial whether they will be legalized for use by well individuals - though some were legalized in the US for a small religious group that takes them as a sacrament of their faith.) This book by the immensely popular immersion journalist, Michael Pollan, has brought the topic front and center into mass awareness, and may help turn the tide of a sullied public image.

Because these substances remain widely unknown or misunderstood, allow me to present some background - much of which Pollan discusses in varying degrees. Unfortunately, the term "psychedelic" has become so loaded with layers of meaning that it's not optimal for discussing the topic at hand. Literally, psychedelic means "mind manifesting," but its common meaning is tied up in notions of 1960's counter-culture and even with styles of art and music. However, alternative terms are also troublesome. "Psychoactive substances" (i.e. chemicals that change mind states) encompasses a much broader selection of molecules and medicines - though it's probably the most neutral term used popularly today. "Hallucinogens" is also problematic because a large portion of consumers of these substances don't have hallucinations - at least not of the full-blown variety people normally associate with that term (i.e. seeing sights that one genuinely believes exist, but don't.) Pollan opts to largely stick with the loaded term of psychedelic, and thus will I throughout this review.

Psychedelics are chemical substances that change one's mindset, typically creating euphoria, shutting down "I"- centric parts of the brain such that one feels a "oneness" commonly described in the mystical traditions from around the world, and which, yes, often generate sensory experiences that aren't reflective of the actual environment (hallucinations.) The downside is found in the fact that the substances produce constructive experiences, which means they amplify what's in the subject's mind, and, therefore, can result in "bad trips" in which people hallucinate terrifying products of their own subconscious mind. Pollan focuses heavily on three of the most popular psychedelics: psilocybin (naturally produced in a common species of mushroom), LSD (a chemical synthesized from ergot fungus that grow on rye), and DMT (which is most famously an active ingredient in Ayahuasca, a concoction long brewed by Peruvian Shamans.) Mescaline, which is well known from the writings of Aldous Huxley, is another popular psychedelic, but one which Pollan only mentions in passing.

To wrap up the background portion of the review, a little history. Psychedelics have been used by shamanic traditions around the world since time immemorial. In 1938, Albert Hofmann, a chemist for Sandoz Laboratories, accidentally synthesized LSD. That marked the (re-) introduction of psychedelics to the modern Western world (the ancient Greeks were believed to have mixed something with their wine that sounded like it had psychedelic properties.) Unbeknownst to most, between Hofmann's invention and the late 1960's, there was a promising line of research on the use of psychedelics for various conditions as well as in non-medical domains - e.g. relating the psychedelic experience to religious / mystical experience.

Unfortunately, there was a two-pronged turn of events that would end in these substances being made illegal and categorized "Schedule I" (which deems them not only risky / requiring care of use, but also denies they have any legitimate medical use - the latter seems to be proven demonstrably incorrect.) The well-known prong in the death of psychedelics resulted from the substances becoming tied into the 1960's counter-culture, at first through shoddy scholarship by academics - most famously Timothy Leary - and then through recreational use that typically stripped away the rituals and "protocols" that had allowed shamans and mystics to safely use these substances for millennia. The second prong was government-sanctioned shenanigans in which LSD was used and misused in an attempt to create everything from truth serums to mind-control agents - most famously the MK-Ultra Program, and its sub-projects such as Operation Midnight Climax during which the CIA illegally used prostitutes to "roofie" their customer's drinks with LSD so that a spy could covertly watch to determine whether the johns got loose-lipped or not. (Note: Pollan writes at length about the former aspect [i.e. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, et. al.] though not as much as books like Lattin's The Harvard Psychedelic Club or Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. However, Pollan only gives passing mention to MK-Ultra.) Psychedelics might have remained out of the popular consciousness and only of interest to the fringe of society that was involved with "hard drugs" had it not been (in addition to renewed scientific interest) for a blooming interest by Silicon Valley engineers and executives who took to "micro-dosing" psychedelics to obtain creativity gains.

Now, I'll get to the review, proper: As I mentioned, Pollan refers to himself as an "immersion journalist," which means that he provides a two-in-one book. The first element is what one would expect in a popular science book on psychedelics, i.e. he reports on the scientific findings, the key history and background information, and delivers quotes from people he interviewed. The second element, however, is description of his own psychonautic journey. Pollan consumed psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, ayahuasca (DMT), and also a substance excreted by a toad that lives in Mexico and the Southwestern US. The reader gets both Huxlian "trip reports" (though Pollan remains much more scientific-minded and less mystical than Aldous Huxley) as well as the objective overview of the topic.

The book consists of six chapters as well as front and back matter. The first chapter discusses the psychedelic "renaissance," i.e. how it came to be that these substances brought back from the dead - i.e. being purely of interest to "druggies" and far-flung shamanic traditions. Chapter 2 deals largely with mushrooms, and specifically psilocybe mushrooms that are the most popular and common type of psychedelic mushroom. Pollan spent time with Paul Stamets, a world-renowned expert on all-things fungi and the man who - literally - wrote the book on psilocybe mushrooms. Chapter 3 focuses heavily on LSD, including its development and rocky history. The fourth chapter is a "travelogue" in which Pollan discusses his own experiences in taking these substances. The penultimate chapter is about the neuroscientific findings. There is much that remains to be known, but yet somethings are well-known. These substances generally mimic the neurotransmitter serotonin (though mescaline, for example, mimics dopamine.) There is also a fascinating discussion of how these substances may temporarily reduce activity in the default mode network, which is prominent in generating one's sense of self. The final chapter examines the findings of research into the use of psychedelics as a treatment for medical conditions - particularly depression, anxiety (especially death anxiety of terminal patients), and addiction (contrary to a widespread notion, resulting from these substances being lumped in with "hard drugs," psychedelics not only aren't addictive, but - in many patients - they counter addictions to more dangerous drugs, such as alcohol - yeah, you read that right.)

The book contains the usual ancillary matter, including: a glossary, bibliography, and notations. As the approach is narrative, graphics are minimal.

I found this book to be highly informative and extremely readable. The use of stories to convey information makes it engaging while it educates. I would highly recommend this book for any readers who are interested in psychedelics as medicine or a mystical experience.

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