Out: November 9, 2021
I was loving everything about this book until (the very big issue of) its failure to provide any conclusion or resolution. Imagine watching a two-hour movie, and at the one hour and forty-two minute mark the screen goes blank, the lights come on, and the ushers start humming " don't have to go home, but you can't stay here..." I understand writers of serialized works need to leave a hook, but this is all hook and no itch gets scratched.
And it's a shame because the art was beautiful and evocative, the setting was both warmly hometown and eerily odd, the character building was intriguing, and everything seemed to be clicking. The conflict level was compelling, and one could definitely get attached to this world and its characters, but then one gets cold water thrown in one's face and is asked to leave.
I will tell you one thing about the book that's magnificent and that's...