Book Review: Dancing With God, by Rabbi Mark Hillel Kunis
The blurb on Dancing With God reads:

How do we really connect with God so that our prayers move from the head to the heart? In its wisdom, Jewish tradition has created what can only be understood as a dance that, if done properly, can lift the participant into an intimate encounter with the Divine. How is Jewish prayer a dance? One sits and stands, moves one's hands, moves backward and forward, bows and rises up; one chants and sings and embraces God. Each movement is pregnant with meaning. Taken together, Jewish prayer is nothing short of a most intimate dance with the Creator. This book was written to help the reader learn how to "dance" in such a way that he will connect with God every time he prays.Dancing With God is not like the books I normally read or have read before in the past. Dancing With God is a self-help book of sorts, though it is not there to boost your confidence or help you lose weight, but how to find meaning in prayer and how to connect with God when you daven rather than just say the words and going home.
I am sure most people can benefit from this book, but the real benefit will come to someone who is highly motivated to improve their davening and find real meaning in it. Dancing With God is not a quick read in which once you get the information you will suddenly have meaningful prayers. Dancing With God is really for the person who will work at it and put the effort in. The book is filled with explanations and exercises and "homework" (so to speak) to help the reader really improve his/her prayers - reading this book to get the full benefit will take some time and effort, but I truly believe that the motivated person reading this book and putting in the work to understand it and perform the exercises will really see a significant improvement, no matter what level he began at.
However, it would be mistaken to think that the book only has benefit to a highly motivated reader. Even someone reading the book casually without performing all the exercises and work will still benefit and see their prayers improved, though obviously not at the same level.
Every Jew who prays should be reading Dancing With God to help them bring their prayers to a higher level and infuse them with meaning and connection.
You can buy Dancing with God on Maggid Menorah Book
You can buy Dancing with God on
NOTE: I was not paid to review this book. It is an unbiased and objective review. If you have a book with Jewish or Israel related content and would like me to write a review, contact me for details of where to send me a review copy of the book.
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NOTE: I was not paid to review this book. It is an unbiased and objective review. If you have a book with Jewish or Israel related content and would like me to write a review, contact me for details of where to send me a review copy of the book.
Book Review: Dancing With God, by Rabbi Mark Hillel Kunis
The blurb on Dancing With God reads:

How do we really connect with God so that our prayers move from the head to the heart? In its wisdom, Jewish tradition has created what can only be understood as a dance that, if done properly, can lift the participant into an intimate encounter with the Divine. How is Jewish prayer a dance? One sits and stands, moves one's hands, moves backward and forward, bows and rises up; one chants and sings and embraces God. Each movement is pregnant with meaning. Taken together, Jewish prayer is nothing short of a most intimate dance with the Creator. This book was written to help the reader learn how to "dance" in such a way that he will connect with God every time he prays.Dancing With God is not like the books I normally read or have read before in the past. Dancing With God is a self-help book of sorts, though it is not there to boost your confidence or help you lose weight, but how to find meaning in prayer and how to connect with God when you daven rather than just say the words and going home.
I am sure most people can benefit from this book, but the real benefit will come to someone who is highly motivated to improve their davening and find real meaning in it. Dancing With God is not a quick read in which once you get the information you will suddenly have meaningful prayers. Dancing With God is really for the person who will work at it and put the effort in. The book is filled with explanations and exercises and "homework" (so to speak) to help the reader really improve his/her prayers - reading this book to get the full benefit will take some time and effort, but I truly believe that the motivated person reading this book and putting in the work to understand it and perform the exercises will really see a significant improvement, no matter what level he began at.
However, it would be mistaken to think that the book only has benefit to a highly motivated reader. Even someone reading the book casually without performing all the exercises and work will still benefit and see their prayers improved, though obviously not at the same level.
Every Jew who prays should be reading Dancing With God to help them bring their prayers to a higher level and infuse them with meaning and connection.
You can buy Dancing with God on Maggid Menorah Book
You can buy Dancing with God on
NOTE: I was not paid to review this book. It is an unbiased and objective review. If you have a book with Jewish or Israel related content and would like me to write a review, contact me for details of where to send me a review copy of the book.