Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
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This book argues for an understanding of the universe in which consciousness is key - the sine qua non of reality, i.e. without which there's nothing. While Lanza emphasizes biocentrism is a scientifically-based conception, his argument will likely find more immediate traction with people of faith than with the scientific community. Skepticism is likely to arise among the scientific community because the history of science from the Copernican Revolution onward has indicated that we are a bi-product of the universe in action, and not the reason for its existence. Humanity, with our brilliant brains that are the most complex systems we know of in the universe, is neither the geographic center of the universe nor are we its center of meaning or purpose either. Looking at it another way, our annihilation wouldn't even register as a blip to the universe. Lanza (along with his co-author Bob Berman), fairly uniquely among men of science, argues otherwise.
Lanza and Berman present seven principles of biocentrism over the course of the book. I won't list these, but they essentially say that in the absence of an observer the world exists only as an unresolved probability function, and that time and space are meaningless in the absence of consciousness. Not to oversimplify the authors' case, but the heart of their biocentric argument is that it's consistent with, and could arguably solve, two of the biggest mysteries in science.
The first mystery is the nature of quantum weirdness that has been shown true repeatedly through experiments such as the double slit experiment (which the authors discuss in some detail, but I will not.) I will mention a thought experiment designed make this subatomic strangeness clear in the world at our scale. It's called Schrödinger's cat. The idea is that a cat is in a box with a vile of poison that is released by a radioactive trigger. One can't know when the radioactive decay will release the poison. (This is a bit of subatomic strangeness that can only be reconciled in the face of an observer.) It's said that the cat would have to be thought of as being in a superposition, simultaneously both alive and dead, until the observer enters the picture. The reader also may have heard of Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, which states one can't know both of a pair of measurements (e.g. position and momentum) with perfect accuracy. All of this says that at the infinitesimally tiny scale of the quantum, particle behavior seems erratic, baffling, and is influenced by observation. While it's hard to relate to through the lens of our macroscopic experience of the world, it's a notion that is completely accepted by physicists because it's been validated by countless experimental observations.
The second truth that science struggles to make sense of that biocentrism presumes to eradicate is the conundrum of the "Goldilock's universe." Taken from the fable of finding the porridge that was "just right." We live in a universe whose actions comply with a series of equations and constants that - were they slightly different - would make life in all the forms we can fathom completely impossible. Starting from the fact that our universe is so mathematically consistent (a feature that it's commonly argued needn't be) to the fact that turning the dials a little would make intelligent life impossible, it's easy to start wondering whether the creationists aren't on to something. Religion doesn't have a problem with the Goldilock's Universe because it presumes the universe was made this way purposefully. Biocentrism doesn't have a problem because the universe can only exist where there are conscious beings. Of course, science hypothesizes its own solutions to the conundrum. These varied solutions generally revolve around the anthropic principle (we exist in a universe capable of supporting life because if we didn't we couldn't) and a multiverse of parallel universes (because the anthropic principle applied to a single universe isn't intuitively superior to assuming a god, goddess, or gods magically "poofed" us into existence.) Under this idea, which appeals to the Copernican Revolutionary mindset, there will be many more universes where life doesn't exist, and perhaps even ephemeral bubble universes that can't even exist as a universe - let alone as a life supporting universe.
There's a major challenge to biocentrism that results from the fact that we are fairly certain that the universe is 13+ billion years old and our planet didn't come into existence until about 9 billion years after that (i.e. Earth is about 4.5 billion-years-old.) Even if one assumes the conscious life grew up elsewhere before us, it's hard to imagine it having happened instantaneously with the beginning of the universe. Lanza's end run around this can be found in his sixth and seventh principles of biocentrism which state that time and space are illusory in the absence of an observer. Of course, this raises questions of how this could be so and why we might believe it is so - because "it's essential to my case" isn't a good reason to believe anything. To be fair, there are all sorts of theories out there - many more mainstream than Lanza's - that propose time and space aren't what they seem - starting with Einstein's well-proven idea that time and space are relative.
This book is oddly composed. It describes the principles of biocentrism largely in the first half to two-thirds of the book, with a few random digressions, and then it really goes off the rails. Most of the digressions are little biographical stories about Robert Lanza, many of which are interesting but completely irrelevant to the book's proposed topic. I'm unsure which of three competing explanations account for these erratic digressions: a.) the publisher said, "this manuscript must be 200 pages or we aren't publishing it." b.) the author is getting up there in age, realizes there is no market for his memoirs, and thinks he can sneak the highlights into this book which is sure to have a following if a controversial one. c.) the author was concerned about being taken for a kook and wanted to establish his bona fides (note: many of the biographical digressions consist of name-dropping.) I should point out that these digressions are the main reason for my mediocre rating of this book, and not disenchantment with the case for biocentrism. (I think we know too little about consciousness and about it's odd interactions at the quantum level to draw any firm conclusions in that regard.)
I found this book to be fascinating - even some of the digressions were interesting, though not helpful to discussion of the topic at hand. It's a thought-provoking work. I have no idea whether it will prove to have merit as a description of how the world works. I'll leave it to readers to determine whether they think it is a sound interpretation of observed reality or a physics-envy based attack on the stronghold of physics as the heart of science or an attempt to reduce the fear of death in a way consistent with science (i.e. time as we perceive it being an illusion makes us all immortal.) If you are interested in the big questions of why the universe exists and what is the nature of reality, you may want to give this book a read - not that it'll answer all your questions, but it will provide an alternative to mainstream views that you may find useful.
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