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Book Review: As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

By Shivali Singla

Book Title: As a Man Thinketh and the Path of Prosperity

Author: James Allen

Format/Print Length/Language: Paperback/116 pages/English

Publisher: Maple Press; First edition (4 October 2016)

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Book Blurb: As a Man Thinketh and the Path of Prosperity

As a Man Thinketh, the widely acclaimed book echoes the Buddhist teaching that all that we are is the result of our thoughts, Allen tries to establish in this book that, as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Allen drives home the two essential truths of life through this book. First, that we are what our thoughts have made us because they lead us to action. Second, that we are the architects of our future. If we believe, we can transform our dreams into realities.

Book Review: As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

Prosperity doesn’t come from the relentless acquisition of things, but from constant improvement of one’s own self – this is the quintessence of The Path of Prosperity. To go about this task of self-realization, the prime most thing that one should do is to examine the evil within one’s self and find out ways to control or destroy it. This is the secret that can lead a person to success, and when one succeeds, he can achieve prosperity.

Book Review: As a Man Thinketh and the Path of Prosperity

My genuine love for books and reading has always wanted me to add more and more to my collection. As a man thinketh has been one particular book I always wanted to have. It took me not more than an hour to complete the entire book reading.

Though the title makes us think it as one of those philosophy and psychology theory books, it’s to our contradiction a book that makes summarize life and humans into the statement:

“They themselves are makers of themselves.”  

It basically is an essay style short book. Divided into different segments the book takes you through a life journey. The different segments look to you as if different books but indeed its one portion taking to another. The seven beautiful chapter talk about seven different aspects of life.

Thoughts and characters that blossom to build in human life are beautifully explained in through the lively example of Gardner and garden, which beauty ends with pointing out the serenity and calmness of life.

Although a short read this book with so many life lessons is one such read that will take you down into deep thoughts. It makes you understand the hidden power and potential of your mind and its purposeful functioning. To the author character and thoughts are one and the famous quote from the book rightly sums up my read:

“Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”

With a simple writing style, this book is a beautiful collection of quotes rightly explained through life examples. Reading such book doesn’t need an age bar or interest type but indeed just a few hours to sit and read. It’s one book I recommend every human irrespective of being a writer or reader who must not only read it but keep it in the collection for such books must be read time and again.



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Happy Reading 


Book Reviewer: NIKITA SINGH, a new age writer who works to build a parallel society for women and artists. She is an English literature graduate with PGDWE and a published author. Other than that, she is a content writer at a startup named ddkablog.

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