Expat Magazine

Bola De Berlim, Mini Version

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

mini bola de berlim (euro for scale)

Confession: I don’t like doughnuts or icing. (Not very Canadian of me but it’s true, Tim Hortons.) That’s why I only tried a bola de berlim (“Berlin ball”) recently, because it’s modelled after the German Berliner and I thought the filling would taste like icing.

I bought two minis to try it out, one to share. (The euro is for scale.) To my great surprise, it wasn’t quite like a doughnut and the filling didn’t taste like icing. It was really good!

Conclusion: the bakery across the street takes sweets I would ordinarily ignore and turns them into temptations.

That’s my second bakery post this week. I may have to move.

April 19, 2016
Album: Portugal [Spring 2016]

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