A few months ago I was selected to be a part of the third
Boise City Public Art Academy This is a career training program for Idaho artists completely free of charge. I was encouraged to apply by friend and artist
Marianne Konvalinka who previously attended the academy and had lots of good things to say about it. We met every Wednesday for 3 hours for 8 weeks.
Karen Bubb was our fearless leader and did a wonderful job of leading us from week one jitters of "how could I ever do this?" to last nights final presentations and celebration. I learned a lot from this class and made a lot of new art friends. Thanks for the opportunity!
Photoshopped photo of my project on the construction fence.
There were lots of great projects presented. I proposed a community chalkboard 4 ft. by 16 ft. People could add their drawings or words of what they love about Boise. They can also add to it by bringing items to glue to the edge which would create a frame of found objects.
Three projects were chosen. Congratulations goes to:
- Candy Canning’s “Le Retour”
- Ellen DeAngelis’s “22”
- Ray Kane & Kevin Mills “Falling Dominos”
Can't wait to see them!