Photography Magazine

Boeing PT-13D Stearman

By Htam
Boeing PT-13D Stearman

@ Santa Rosa, CA

September 2011

The Lycoming R-680, a nine-cylinder air-cooled radial engine that powered over 2,100 Stearmans, was the first aero engine produced by Lycoming.  Introduced in 1934, over 10,000 of these classic aircraft were produced as primary trainers for several military services. Generally, all the Stearmans were built the same with the only major difference being the engine installed.  The final version of the Stearman was the E75, designated PT-13D/N2S-5. It was the only complete standardization of an Army and Navy production design during World War II and was totally the same for both services.  Nikon D7100 w/18-200mm.

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