Sports Magazine

Body Building Meal Plan

By Mia_patterson

Body Building Meal Plan - Mistakes You Should Avoid

Body Building Meal Plans
There are a lot of mistakes people tend to do when making their body building meal plans. Most individuals have a lot of misconceptions about the diet necessary when bulking up.
Some people have the wrong notion that a body building meal plan should be composed solely of protein and all other nutrients, namely fat and carbohydrates, should be eliminated. The truth is, when bulking up, you also have to increase your carbohydrate intake to give you the necessary energy to work out.
When you lower the carbohydrate component in your body building meal plan, your body in turn is forced to compensate. The body accomplishes this by lowering your metabolism. When your metabolism is lowered, the extra calories you eat build up as fat instead of getting broken down as energy.
On the other hand, losing all the fat in your body building meal plan can also result in adverse effects. Your organ systems will then be forced to rely on low fat products or fat free food to fill the necessary fat requirements of your body. This can likewise result in a decrease in your body's metabolism, specifically your fat metabolism. Instead of bulking you up, eating little to no fat than what the body needs can even retard your growth.
When making a body building meal plan, it is wrong to believe that taking protein products and body building supplements, can immediately bulk up your body. These supplements only enhance your body building meal plan, filling in some of the lacking nutrients in your body.
In a body building meal plan, the most important thing to remember is that you still have to eat right. Some body building supplements work by burning the fat in your body; however, supplements can only do so much. If you keep your calorie intake high, meaning you still eat more than you should, no amount of supplements can burn the excess calories you eat.
If you take protein products, such as protein bars, shakes or tablets, you may be eating more calories than your body needs. Eating too much of these protein products can also put undue stress on your body, making it harder for you to build up your body.

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