Bob Franke is a two-time (12/22/07 & 3/22/09) notloB alumni.
From Joan Sherman.
"Bob Franke writes the kind of songs that will still be sung a hundred years from now." – Christine LavinAfter decades writing and performing songs that have become the delight of English speakers around the world, Bob Franke has been invited to Russia to perform his much-loved creations. In Russia, those who write and sing songs full of depth and meaning are known as “Bards”. So popular are the Bards that they have been known to fill stadiums. Recognized by some Russians as a Bard himself, Bob has been invited by the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin ( to perform two concerts in March accompanied by the chamber orchestra.
If you aren't familiar with Bob's music, then see what has captivated the Russians as well as English- and non-English speakers throughout the world. You may find links to his music at, or I would be glad to send you a live-concert CD. If you are familiar with Bob's music, then now may be a good time to consider bringing Bob to your venue or festival. After all, as of March 2012, Bob will be an international sensation. Perhaps he can be a sensation on your stage as well.