BoAt has unveiled the new boAt Wave Neo smartwatch in India, expanding the brand’s smartwatch collection. This smartwatch has become the third smartwatch after the boAt Wave Pro and boAt Wave Lite. It has its own beautiful ruby. The price of 2000 is expected to exceed the budget of the smartwatch market.
It is available in a variety of colors to provide a wide range of options for buyers and offers a nice and integrated design. The BoAt Wave Neo has a color touch screen, ten game modes, different health and fitness types, and up to a week of battery life with smart features integrated. This IP68 smartwatch is also supported, which will increase the comfort in different environments.
boAt Wave Neo smartwatch Price in India
Wave Neo will go on sale May 27, 2022 at 12 p.m. The smartwatch will be available in three colors from Flipkart: black, blue and burgundy. The Wave Neo is priced at Rs 1,799. BOOT Wave Neo will go on sale May 27, 2022 at 12 p.m. The combined clock will be available in three colors: black, blue and wine from the box. The Wave Neo ship sells for Rs 1799.
boAt Wave Neo Full Details
The smartwatch has a 1.69-inch touch screen with a resolution of 454 x 454 pixels. The screen is covered in 2.5D glass and supports resolutions of up to 550 textures. Inside, you’ll find a room with a 24-hour sensory sensor, a SpO2 sensor, a stress monitor, a fast monitor, and a sleep monitor. This watch supports ten types of sports: walking, running, climbing, yoga, basketball, cycling, running, jumping, badminton, and swimming. The boAt Wave Neo can be used for daily activities such as walking, jogging, and burning calories.
Additional Functions
It weighs 35g and is IP68 compliant. The watch also offers smart features like call and text, weather forecast, billing memory, alarm, music control, camera control, and Bluetooth connectivity to make your life easier. It supports over 100 hours of viewing from the boAtHub-friendly application. The watch also has a low-cost flexible silicone strap.