Books Magazine

Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven #1) by @NRoberts_atHome

By Pamelascott

Every seven years, there comes a week in July when the locals do unspeakable things - and then don't seem to remember them. The collective madness has made itself known beyond the town borders and has given Hawkins Hollow the reputation of a village possessed.

Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven #1) by @NRoberts_atHome

This modern-day legenddraws reporter and author Quinn Black to Hawkins Hollow with the hope of makingthe eerie happening the subject of her new book. It is only February, but CalebHawkins, descendent of the town founders, has already seen and felt thestirrings of evil. Though he can never forget the beginning of the terror inthe woods twenty-one years ago, the signs have never been this strong before.Cal will need the help of his best friends, Fox and Gage, but surprisingly hemust rely on Quinn as well. She, too, can see the evil that the locals cannot,somehow connecting her to the town - and to Cal. As winter turns to spring, Caland Quinn will shed their inhibitions, surrendering to a growing desire. Theywill form the cornerstone of a group of men and women bound by fate, passion,and the fight against what is to come from out of the darkness.


[IT CRAWLED ALONG THE AIR THAT HUNG HEAVY as wetwool over the glade]

(Piatkus,31 December 2007, paperback, 320 pages, bought from a charity shop, Popsugar2018 Reading Challenge, a book your favourite prompt from the 2015, 2016 or2017 Popsugar Reading Challenge, a book you got from a used book sale)



BloodBrothers is a fantastic book. It's hard to define what it is - part fable, part myth, a supernatural novel, a love story and a little bitof other things. I've read a few of Roberts's novels now and have been impressedby her range and scope. Blood Brothers proves how skilled she can be.This a terrific read. This book is fantastically written, the characters arewell-rounded, rain and made of flesh and blood, the setting is so real I felt Iwas really there at times and the book is a brilliant blend of light /dark,myth /madness. I loved it. I will definitely read the other two books in theseries.

Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven #1) by @NRoberts_atHome

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