To become a blogging pro you must continuously blog even as your own personal world may be crumbling. That’s the same for any professional who is a pro blogger. They understand life must go on.
I will never forget the time in my life when my grandmother passed away when I was 17. My mom was hanging laundry outside on a warm August morning on the morning of my grandmother’s funeral. I was upset.
How could she still be doing laundry when we were about to bury my grandmother? How does life go on when someone so close to us passes on? My mom taught me a lesson: Life does go on. As a blogger, I continued to blog as most blogging pros do no matter what is going on around them.
I never forgot that time and now in times of crisis in my own life, I find myself doing laundry. Washing, drying, folding, and ironing. I now get it. It keeps you on track, it makes you carry on.
Learn how you can become a blogging pro by continuing to blog.Does A Blogging Pro Blog During Crisis In Their Lives?
Do you blog when you are worried about major things in your life or do you withdraw? I have known several bloggers to go into hiding when they go through major life events and others will blog about the events. I believe it really can be therapeutic for us. It is like keeping a journal.
Other pro bloggers, like my friend Ryan from Blogging From Paradise, recently lost his mom and he wrote about it on his blog. What a tribute he wrote about her. That’s what pro bloggers do, they keep on going.
I’m not one to blog about my personal life but if it will help others I do so in a more generic way. After all, bloggers are human beings, right? We are not robots responding to comments and writing away at a machine. We live, eat, breathe, and feel things.
What else can blogging and doing laundry help you personally? It can help you to relax.
Learning More To Become Like A Pro Blogger
Writing and publishing content online has become a popular way to express yourself, connect with others, and build an audience. Whether you’re writing about your hobbies, sharing industry insights, or discussing current events, blogging can be an effective way to reach out to readers and make a lasting impression. And expressing yourself can help you get over the crisis in your life at the same time.
If you’re new to the world of blogging, one important thing to remember is that becoming a successful blogger takes time. However, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of success — like blogging more often! Let’s explore why blogging regularly is essential for becoming a pro blogger.
Learn more as you blog more and get better in time.Time Is Power With Blogging
The more often you blog, the more opportunities you have to reach new readers. The internet is fast-paced and ever-evolving — if you want to get noticed in this competitive landscape, it’s important that your content stands out from the crowd.
By consistently creating high-quality content on relevant topics, you can help ensure that your blog is seen by as many people as possible. Additionally, having fresh content on your website will also help boost rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
This means that potential readers will be able to easily find your website when searching for topics related to what you write about.
Stay Relevant With Your Blog
Another key benefit of blogging more often is that it keeps your content up-to-date and relevant. In the digital age we live in today, news breaks quickly — so quickly that even if you post something one day it could already be outdated by the next day! To keep up with this ever-changing landscape and maintain relevancy with readers who expect timely information, consistency is key.
Publishing quality content often enough will help establish trust with readers and show them that they can count on you for reliable information.
A pro blogger stays up to date on trends and updates content all the time.Building Blogging Pro Connections
The last reason why blogging more often will help take your blog from amateur status to the blogging pro level is that it gives you more opportunities to connect with other bloggers in the same space as well as potential customers who might be interested in what you have to say.
While having engaging written content is important for any successful blog, there are countless ways outside of just writing posts for connecting with others such as joining Twitter conversations or hosting webinars or live streams.
With each post published or conversation had with another person in your industry, the wider net of relationships grows — which can create new opportunities down the road!
Make sure you respond quickly if someone leaves a comment on one of your posts or sends an email asking for more information about a topic mentioned in one of your posts; this will show them that you care about what they have to say and are willing to help them out if needed.
Additionally, create social media accounts where people can leave comments or ask questions; this will also help encourage engagement with your blog posts.
Helping Others Along The Way
When you help others along the way you feel better about yourself and your own situation. Pro bloggers are always helping others on their journey and bringing them up the ladder.
Ways to help other bloggers:
- Link out to them
- Share their content on social media
- Engage with them on their blog and on social networks
- Invite them to guest post
- Email them
- Join their podcast or webinar
- Share your blogging tools with them
Keeping A Routine To Blog
During a crisis in your life, keeping a routine may be one of the keys to getting through it. Blogging and doing laundry is a blogger’s routine, right? Of course, you must at one point do something different or you will get bored or stale in your life.
Life is too short to get stale. So drop the routine after you feel you can handle something differently.
Conclusion Of Becoming A Pro Blogger
Next time you are having a crisis in your life try blogging and doing laundry as well as reading uplifting quotes. I’d love to know how you get by when things are tough in your life. Does blogging help you through those tough times? Drop a comment below so we can discuss it.
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