When I started this blog almost 7 months ago I couldn't have imagined that I would learn to use PhotoShop, start a course on Community Management with amazing people, build great "cyber relationships", amongst many others, but most important of all learn to love myself for what I am.
These are only a few of the wonderful things that writting this blog has brought to my life.
And as odd as it might seems, I've had to expose myself on the web in order to undestand that there are other people like me: Willing to be happy and wanting to stay true to themselves.
I am at last able to say:"I DO NOT CARE WHAT THE WORLD THINKS.This is my life and I am going to live it my way."

Some people might think I am silly and superficial for taking photos of myself and the things I love and posting them on the internet in order to share them with whoever is willing to read.
Other people might think I just so it to gain attention over myself.
In any case, blogging involves LOADS more than just posing and posting.I have built up so many skills and learnt so many interesting things, I couldn't have ever imagined this!
This blog is not about gathering photos from google and posting them up. All they content is created by ourselves, by working hard, very hard.
I think it's silly to live and not share all that you have to give with the rest of the world.I blog to share the joy that I have chosen to be surrounded by. To share what makes me happy.
Because once, I was a simple follower. Someone who would visit blogs and wish dared to start one, bacause those people INSPIRED ME.

I think this photo inspired me to write this post: seen here.
Blogging is one of the best things i have done EVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE.Have you sat down and thought of what's the thing that makes you happy?The sort of happyness that makes you feel special in the best possible way.
Where is all this taking me to?No idea. But it's moving, that's all I know.
What I do know is that I am working VERY hard to make my dreams come true and it's the little things like learning to use PhotoShop or receive a really nice comment or tweet from someone unknown that make me realize that slowly but surely I am getting "somewhere".Don't know where that is, I will find out when the time comes, but in the mean time I am enjoying all that life is bringing to me.

I have finally understood. Now is the best moment to be happy.
Get out there and do what
makes YOU happy.
Inspiration: The idea of writing a post about my honest feelings is thanks Kaelah from Little Chief Honeybee and fer unedited blog posts which are truly sincere and so touching. check them out HERE: Honest to Blog series.Thanks Kaelah, you are an amazing inspiration.
***Note: I am sorry if there are many typos or mistakes.I wrote this post last night all at once and haven't wanted to re-read it again this morning to do the spell check in case I decided to edit it or not post it. I will come back tonight and amend all the mistakes there might be. :)
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