How to Optimize your Blog for Search Engine Optimization
Simply having a blog up and running, producing content and connecting with others doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll rank well within search engines. There's a lot of work to getting traffic to your site – but I'm going to share how to get started on the right foot. Set things up correctly and you'll be way ahead. Blogger SEO tips to get that all important traffic from Search!
8 ways to get ahead in Google
Have a good URL Structure – By default, many blog platforms use a query string as the URL. Query strings loo0k like this -> http://OrderManagementSystem/ShowOrder.aspx?ID=10248 <—– and are hard to read for search engine spiders and will result in lower rankings for your content. Configure your URL structure within your blog backend and set your URL’s to show the main keywords of your post. Create hard links for your posts. I use my title or a shortened version of the title as my URL. If you have a strangle looking URL change it in the backend of your site. Search engines think they look as odd as people do!
Install Plugs to help with SEO – Most blog platforms allow you to install plugins or set options that will increase your search engine optimization. If you know much about me you know I'm a huge fan of Yoast All in one plug. If you have never heard me preach these are it's best features- the option to set the title, meta description and URL of your post. Also a reminder that there is more you can do and sugestions! <~~~~ love these features!
Know and use your keywords – Please create content that includes your keywords. Keyword and topic specific content will be search engine friendly content; it’s easier for search engines to understand where to place your post when you do. Place your keyword in the title, body, links and description of your content. If you don't know the exact keywords people are using go straight to Google Keyword Tool. It's not that hard to do and the pay off is huge! Oh and get this FREE!!! Free help to get the best placement in Google! ( if you still have questions please send me an e-mail-I can't bear to think of you not using keywords!)
Great Content – Another smart way to way to optimize your blog for search engines is produce the best content you can. When you put great stuff out there people notice and will link to it and share it.. Each new link you get to your post from others will be a vote the search engines will see and like. When you produce great content time after after time, people will come to your site (along with the search engine rankings).
Link to other Posts – Linking to other blog posts that are relevant to the topic you’re currently covering helps search engines crawl deep within your site. It will also help your readers find more information of interest which will hopefully bring them back often. Happy readers and search engines that can find a lot of linked content help drive up your traffic and get more of your site indexed in search!
Please Share – Search engines index very quickly what is shared on social media. The more shares the better! Give your readers options to share your content across the web by placing social media buttons at the beginning and end of your blog posts. Please make it easy for them or they won't do it. The wider you’re able to spread your post the more likely you’ll build backlinks from people finding your content and that it’s relevant to search engine users.
Get Those Backlinks - Backlinks can be built through blog commenting, social network participation, social bookmarking and guest posting. Each new backlink increases the overall likelihood that your content will be found and rank well within search engines. We are going to have a post devoted to developing backlinks this week if you don't understand how to do this check back. I built my first business by working tirelessly building backlinks!
Fresh Stuff Please – The more frequently you publish new blog content the more often search engines will have to crawl your site. Although you do not have to publish every day it is important to keep a consistent schedule.Twice a week at least and more if you can! Not only will you send new visitors to your blog when publishing frequently but because search engines are spidering your blog they are more likely to honor you with higher search engine rankings (and quicker search engine placement).
I would love to heard what you do to increase your search engine placement. Share your best idea with us or ask a question if you need a little more help.