Architecture Magazine

Blog Wunderlust: 8th October 2012

By Architechnophilia @atechno
I hardly dared, in view of your serious employments, to publish my writings and long considered ideas on architecture, for fear of subjecting myself to your displeasure.
Vitruvius Pollio (translated from Latin) blog wunderlust: 8th October 2012 Caribbean School of Architecture by architect Lascelles Dixon photo (c) architechnophilia
Civic Waterfronts | Sitcom Architects | [video game] prison architect | More Than Machines For Writing | Artist Chris Burden's Quasi-Legal Skyscraper Rises Again | Ai Weiwei’s company faces shutdown | Design Explained in Pie Charts | UK government bans curved school buildings | 10 things you dont get taught in Architecture School and radical pedagogies in architectural education | Modernism in architecture: No exit? | Fewer housing opportunities for the world’s poor
last word: World Habitat Day 2012 - Changing Cities, Building Opportunities
The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email

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