Books Magazine

Blog Tour Stop Review: Reflection by Jessica Roberts

Posted on the 09 November 2012 by Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Blog Tour Stop Review: Reflection by Jessica Roberts

I was super excited to sign up to be apart of “Reflection” blog tour. With book two of the series, “Reaction” recently released it was a great opportunity to jump into a new series.

Blog Tour Stop Review: Reflection by Jessica Roberts

Bright, spunky Heather Robbins has escaped her small hometown and is anxiously beginning her freshman year of college. Rising above her rocky childhood, she’s found a place where good things are finally starting to happen: her own private apartment, refreshing college classes, and an intense attachment to a mysterious and rugged classmate, Nick Richards.

But when her dreamy college life turns out to be nothing more than a wonderful dream while resting in a coma, questions threaten. 

Now, Heather must press forward to unlock the real past, and find the answers buried deep in her mind. What she unlocks instead is a roller coaster ride through flashbacks, embellished memories, and a whirlwind romance.

And when it’s all over and she comes face to face with the truth, will she lose everything she’s fallen in love with?


This was a very tricky story that I couldn’t put down. The majority of the story is written in a dreamy format, so parts are skipped and Heather sometimes forgets her footing. We are in Heathers shoes, so all the fuzzy details are not clear for the reader and I really enjoyed being apart of the ride. I usally have a hard tim enot know everything thats going on, but I enjoyed the point of view for this story. I really became more hooked at the story progressed and the plot really did “thicken”.  I loved the way everything unfolded in a mysterious way that left me needing to know WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!??!! Heather as a character was really relatable and I found my-self wanting to understand where her hang-ups( her need for space) come from. At first, I recognized her as a typical college student, but Heathers  sheer will and drive ended up separating her in someone special. She had a really good heart that was evident in her inner voice.  I really hope in “Reaction” we get to know Heather more. I absolutely don’t want to spoil anything, as I want ALL OF YOU to read this…but there is serious chemistry and Nick Richards is a pretty good reason for it. I liked the layers of Nicks character, he was not at all what he seemed at first and he really grew on me.  The spins and twist towards the end really make their situation difficult and I found my heart wrenching, all the while I was rooting for them. I’m not telling you what happens, you’ll have to read it for yourself. Luckily, both books are out so you don’t have to wait like I did :)

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Blog Tour Stop Review: Reflection by Jessica Roberts

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