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Blissful Bedrooms: Inspiration for a Restful Space

By Decorology @decorology_blog
I am tired today. Like, super uncharacteristically tired.  Maybe because wedding planning is a full time job in itself and I drove a combined 4 hours yesterday to look at two different wedding venues, or because ever since Sandy blew through the east coast hasn't been seeing much sun.
Either way, I slept through my alarm, getting up an hour and a half late, and somehow slept-walked over to my dresser and hit snooze on my alarm NINE times and don't remember any of it.  Luckily I work for myself and from home, but I still feel like a bum when I don't get up at a reasonable hour.
Anyway, plentiful sleep aside, all I want do to is crawl under my down comforter and dream the afternoon away.  I guess this bedroom eye candy will have to do, since deadlines never care how tired you are.
Blissful bedrooms: Inspiration for a restful space Love the dark wall, the headboard, the quilt, the floors...
Blissful bedrooms: Inspiration for a restful space Okay, so this is an add for linens, but how gorgeous is that bed?
Blissful bedrooms: Inspiration for a restful space
Blissful bedrooms: Inspiration for a restful space pastels always look nice in the bedroom
Blissful bedrooms: Inspiration for a restful space How cute is this?  Especially for a teenager.  And the palette bedframe adds extra storage for magazines, shoes, etc....
Blissful bedrooms: Inspiration for a restful space
What do you think of the draped wall behind the bed?  It definitely adds romance and softness to the space, but I want to see it in person.
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