Society Magazine

Blatant Blog Post Theft by Martial Arts Outfitters

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

In all my years of blogging, I haven’t caught any incidents of blatant plagiarism of my posts… until now.  I was looking  through the martial arts posts and saw this post by “Martial Arts Outfitters” from Thursday.  It immediately seemed to me that it looked just like a post that I had posted a year and a half ago. (See: Yoroi Kumiuchi.) Then I realized that they were the same word-for-word.

This is pretty blatant. I mean they copied everything including the photo (granted that was public domain and not mine) and published them on the same platform (i.e. WordPress.) It was not reblogged, which is a function that I allow because it comes with attribution. The fact that reblogging would have been easier for them to do means that this company was outright trying to steal content.

What’s particularly sad to me is that the thief is an organization that is involved with martial arts. The martial arts should be about conveying virtue not practicing vice.

So if you every get do business with, feel free to not pay them. They clearly think stealing other people’s stuff is perfectly acceptable.

Tags: blogging, theft, plagiarism

By in Blogs, Writing, martial arts, Commentary, Blogging on June 1, 2013.

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