Man mocks alligators, jumps in water and is killed in Texas
A man who apparently mocked alligators, then jumped in the water -- despite warning signs -- is dead after being attacked in Texas. Orange County Justice of the Peace Rodney Price told CNN affiliate KFDM that Woodward ignored verbal warnings and a posted "No Swimming Alligators" sign and seemed to mock the deadly creatures before going in the water. "He made preparations before going in. He removed his shirt, and removed out his billfold..."...someone shouted a warning and he said 'blank the alligators' and jumped into the water and almost immediately yelled for help," Price said..... "It's heartbreaking. It hurts, a lot," the witness said.The man was 28 years old. He had recently moved to Texas from St. Louis.
Screen shot from the news article and video
Spiritual application:
There were plenty of signs posted about what not to do, which were visible and evident. One was posted under a spotlight. Also, there were witnesses pleading with to change from his intended path due to obvious and imminent danger. He ignored them all.
His decision to persist was not impulse. He did so deliberately. He chose to rebel, taking calculated steps to complete his decision.

Moments later, he was dead.
It IS heartbreaking and it DOES hurt a lot when we see loved ones persist on their path of destruction.
If the rebellion and hubris of man is so persistent with visible warnings and earnest pleas from witnesses who know the territory and behavior of alligators, what kind of persistent rebellion is in a man who ignores the pleas of Gospel witnesses who know the territory and behavior of God? If a man will mock a dangerous creature in front of him, he will mock a powerful God above him.
Man's sin goes deep.
And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. (Revelation 16:11, KJV)