The Blade movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has encountered significant delays in its production timeline. Despite being announced five years ago in 2019, the project seems to have returned to square one with its reboot. This comes after the departure of its second director, marking yet another setback for the film.
Originally introduced by Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige with actor Mahershala Ali donning a Blade cap, the project has seen changes in leadership twice. Bassam Tariq, the first director, exited in September 2022, causing a delay from its initial fall 2022 production start. Subsequently, Yann Demange was chosen by Ali to take over, but industry-wide SAG-AFTRA strikes also contributed to slowing down production.
According to an exclusive report from The Wrap, Demange’s departure was described as amicable. Eric Pearson, a key screenwriter at Marvel, is currently engaged in scripting ‘Blade’. Previous drafts were penned by Michael Starrbury, Nic Pizzolatto, and Michael Green.
Mahershala Ali remains committed to portraying the half-human vampire hunter in the film. Reports indicate that Marvel Studios prioritizes getting the production of ‘Blade’ right over rushing its release. The studio’s current strategy involves spacing out its releases, aiming to drop two films annually.
With upcoming projects like “Deadpool & Wolverine,” “Captain America: Brave New World,” “Thunderbolts,” and “Fantastic Four” nearing completion or already in production, Marvel’s focus on ‘Blade’ underscores its historical significance to the studio. The challenge now lies in delivering a unique cinematic experience that surpasses previous Blade iterations.
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