Hilarious Syrian Airstrike Reactions
At this point, all you can do is laugh to keep from crying with President Cheeto Crusty leading America straight to Hell and that’s exactly what Black Twitter did to cope with the terrifying Syrian airstrikes (and potential WWIII threat) that sent the internet into a hilarious tizzy.
Hit the flip for the funniest reactions to the terrifying Syrian airstrike.
so you just gon attack syria for attackin syria after you banned folk from syria because you say you wanna protect syria from syria in syria pic.twitter.com/H3OW9nDPu7
— dildo sven (@AbeBroman) April 7, 2017
"Kendall get your can of Pepsi, we're going to Syria." #AmericaIsOverParty pic.twitter.com/Xko0jjfioY
— P R I A 💓 (@HabPria) April 7, 2017
BREAKING: Kendall Jenner is on a chartered flight to Syria with a can of Pepsi as Trump calls off the air strikes. pic.twitter.com/w6DgSCgJGr
— A Karani Onsomu (@erwoti) April 7, 2017
the apocalypse will now have stories pic.twitter.com/NP3YAlkPjQ
— evan (@evcon) April 7, 2017
"In order to be considered for the draft you must pass a mental evaluation"
Me: pic.twitter.com/MrCny3CN5n
— Chocolate Bae 💋 (@_ThatsQuise) April 7, 2017
Send Soulja Boy on the first departure to WW3 he will save us all
— Cliff (@Chasin_Mula) April 7, 2017
"President Trump releases military strike against Syria" pic.twitter.com/VFpDt7LdIf
— anna (@Iipkit) April 7, 2017
Kendall walking into Syria with a can of Pepsi #AmericaIsOverParty pic.twitter.com/vofoNLlILc
— . (@MileysSavage) April 7, 2017
Me trying to sing along to the Mexican National Anthem after I jump the wall and move in #AmericaIsOverParty pic.twitter.com/UKXneOMhfY
— donovan 🥀 (@rXXklessss) April 7, 2017
"Why everybody saying Trump going to war with you my son?" pic.twitter.com/i6nWRxWe5w
— HotepஃKells☥ (@G0dPartiKells) April 7, 2017
They can't draft you if you don't pass the drug test #AmericaIsOverParty pic.twitter.com/tMxJK4ZOlB
— Salty Derrick (@Derrick4d) April 7, 2017
Me when they come knocking on my door for the draft pic.twitter.com/vpGWoZPkDO
— Troy Story (@mrLdavis) April 7, 2017
Me in my Canadian home sitting on my Canadian chair in my Canadian back yard reading these tweets #americaisoverparty pic.twitter.com/fJYtzPPVFS
— Ashley✨ (@AshleyGeza) April 7, 2017
Walking into Toronto like #Americaisoverparty pic.twitter.com/XFnR0Swcdp
— Jessie🐆 (@italianxmami) April 7, 2017
me using memes to cope with my very real fear that the world is collapsing before our very eyes pic.twitter.com/DhFDgX2qJe
— a rat (@shookingtons) April 7, 2017
*laughs at all these #AmericaIsOverParty tweets*
*also me* pic.twitter.com/4ft0pQcHvJ
— AJ💕 (@AyeeeitzJanae) April 7, 2017
I had plans for my life and my ass bout to be dead by December because the US thinks everybody business is their business. pic.twitter.com/lKO8ODfeQi
— E X P E N $ I V E (@nikuaIe) April 7, 2017
We're all gonna die pic.twitter.com/mSMO0g9JUQ
— Larry Beyince (@DragonflyJonez) April 7, 2017
Ma you asked ya MCM how he feel about Syria and he said Frosted Flakes the best kind..
— KevJ (@kevjmcC) April 7, 2017
Source: bossip.com
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