
Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection

Posted on the 15 August 2019 by Raulfj

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection

There are different theories about the word tourmaline, one of them establishes that it is of Sinhalese origin, and that it comes from "tourmalí", "tourmali" or "turamali" that are words used to denominate the zircons, and means "stone of mixed tones ". "Turamalí" also means "stone that attracts the ashes".

A couple of days ago a reader wrote us consulting us about her birth stone. It turns out that according to her sign, the birth stone that corresponds to her is the thundering black tourmaline. This powerful black stone is known for its incredible energetic capacities. Thanks to this attentive reader, today we are excited to invite you to know a magical story that has this mineral as protagonist.

The main characteristic of this stone is its piro-piezoelectric faculty, and this is the main reason why its wonderful healing properties, rather than "magical", are strongly energetic.

To speak of black tourmaline is to refer to one of the most powerful gems in terms of accumulation and transmission of energy, and also to a series of class VIII minerals or silicates or cyclosilicates, according to Strunz. It is very complex as well as imposing, and in its chemical formula we can appreciate it: (Na,Ca)(Al,Fe,Li)(Al,Mg,Mn)6(BO3)3(Si6O18).(OH,F)4.

In this post you will find

Some people talk about a "magical" component outside this world, but what science says is that, as mentioned at the beginning, thanks to its structure it has pyroelectric properties, which means that when heated it can generate tons of energy; moreover; it is also piezoelectric, which means that it can contain electrical charges within itself so that they can later be used in therapies and rituals for healing or protection. The infrared waves it emits allow toxins to be expelled more quickly and easily, restoring optimal cell performance. That's why it's used in both gemotherapy and meditation courses.

There is much more to discover regarding the use of its energy properties, it is simply unimaginable. Its power has transcended the healing, mystical and energetic to be a symbol of high elegance and sophistication. Stay and find out more.

What is black tourmaline and what are its characteristics?

The black tourmaline stone is a type of zirconia, also the most famous of all the family of tourmalines. The composition of black tourmaline crystal is also called scroll and combines 15 elements, including: lithium nickel potassium, boron complex silicate, sodium, aluminum, magnesium. It can be differentiated by its elongated grooves with a unique form of crystallization: rhombohedral. The black tourmaline stone is also called "Chorlo", and these are its main characteristics:

  • Conchoidal fracture.
  • Trigonal and hexagonal crystalline system.
  • Vitreous luster.
  • Hardness between 7 and 7.5 on the Mohs scale.

Although we can find this stone in many shades, the black tourmaline is known to be the most powerful. Since ancient times the idea has been maintained that, among all of them, it is the most protective.

History of Tourmaline:

Teofrasto was also interested in this marvelous crystal that surprised him even more, because one day he could notice that it had the property of attracting straw, ash or small pieces of wood if it was heated, revealing its pyroelectric characteristic; it was thanks to this that the Dutch of the 18th century called it: "asshentrekker" or "ash strip".

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection

The most important discoveries of tourmaline were in Africa, the Ural Mountains of Russia, North and South America and other European countries.

Its official discovery dates back to 1400 B.C., in a town known today as Zschorlau, in Germany, from where its name "Schorl" is derived. This town had a tin mine, where black tourmaline could be found, in addition to cassiterite. It was called Schürl. Until the year 1600.

It is said that in ancient times the magicians invoked the black tourmaline to protect themselves from demons that escaped to the earth. Perhaps it is thanks to these ancient legends that our tourmaline today is still so important and imposing in the world of protection from evil entities that still inhabit the earth.

In 18th century literature, writer Barbara Walker cites references, which establish that this stone was useful for artists, authors, actors and those in creative works. In the same century, a Dutch scientist claimed that a tourmaline wrapped in silk and placed against the cheek of a child with a fever would induce sleep.

India also revered black tourmaline. They included the use of the gem as a tool to provide information and help to discover what is good and positive and also what is not, so as to be always alert. It would also serve to make known who or what was the cause of the problems or bad actions. The gem was also highly valued by alchemists who, perhaps because of its pyroelectric effect, believed that it was related to the philosopher's stone. It was said that this was the substance that would bestow enlightenment, bestow power over spiritual matters, unite opposites, and transmute base metals into pure gold. Today, stone is used by tribes in Africa, Native Americans and Aboriginal groups in Australia as a talisman that protects against all dangers.

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection

Tzu Hsi or " Cixi" was the concubine and later the widowed empress of Emperor Xianfeng. She was a very ambitious woman. After her husband died in 1861, Cixi made every effort to take over the regency of her son, Emperor Tonzhi (1861-1875). Once he died, he was regent of his nephew Emperor Guangxu (1875- 1908), whom he had irregularly named Emperor. Once Guangxu came of age in 1887. It was Cixi who held the reins of power as head of the imperial clan and after a palace coup in 1898, he imprisoned Guangxu and regained direct control of power until his own death in 1908. Tzu Hsi during all her life was the greatest admirer of the tourmaline. She was always surrounded by it and possessed the most giant collection of this stone. Most of the pink tourmaline mined in the Stewart mine was intended for the empress and those around her. They bought everything the mine produced and exported it to China. She always used it as a notch stone, she used it in pins or in the buttons of the imperial court of the most important people. When Cixi died she could not say goodbye to her stones and that is why the empress rests on a tourmaline cushion.

The discovery of Clara

The tourmaline is wrapped in an endless number of stories that makes it a jewel of humanity, not only forceful and elegant but also strong and powerful. These stories are not only kept hidden in old books, or websites where they tell fantastic legends. These stories are also real and current.

Humanity continues to believe in it. To hear or read those stories first hand from its protagonists is simply wonderful and makes our work feel more valuable.

We have a very rare and spectacular history that only shows us that we have not yet discovered this stone in its entirety. The story that follows is of a client of tourmaline,who still a little incredulous by the results she had achieved, decided to tell, and thus invite the rest of the users to change their perception of stones with healing properties.

We gave this girl Clara's name to protect her identity.

Clara is a Boston girl who never believed in the powers of mystic stones, the truth was not to reject them either but let's say she opted for traditional scientific healing methods. As expected Clara did not know the tourmaline, until a rather casual situation led her to this stone. Clara says that she was suffering serious pain and problems with her liver; the constipation she was experiencing was such that she could not go to the bathroom regularly. I don't know if any reader has suffered problems of this kind, but if so, I would like to point out that I have, and generally this kind of discomfort threatens enormously with our good humor. You can't eat what makes you happy and you live with a continuous heaviness in your stomach, just horrible. Clara had never suffered from problems of this type, her diet, although not the most perfect of all, was quite normal and regulated. It was then that she decided to take an appointment with a nutritionist and check out what was so strange about his body. After a series of food tests and controls they were able to determine that her diet was not the problem. From that moment, the specialist and Clara decided to undertake a series of experiments and changes in the life routines of Clara. The specialist noticed that Clara carried her digital watch at all times, never leaving it. For a year it had always been on his wrist. It was at that time on August 25, 2018 when the nutrition specialist had the brilliant idea of relating the discomfort of Clara with her constant contact with electronic devices.

That night they decided to do a great experiment that allowed Clara to recover her stomach regularity on August 26 of that same year. He managed to do it without pills or medication. Clara just couldn't believe it and told the nutritionist, who just educated her about the radiation emitted by electrical devices and how they can affect specific people. The specialist also mentioned that there are necklaces and decals that help to deny these radioactive effects, it turns out that she also used them! Quickly Clara investigated everything she could when she got home and that's how she discovered that there were electromagnetic radiation shields, and found a necklace. She ordered it on Monday, August 26, and on Tuesday she had it in her hands. "It looked great, but to be honest, I didn't know if it was working," Clara says. When the day arrived to visit the nutritionist, this is what Clara told us: "The nutritionist placed protective stickers on my phone, decided to test me to see if they would help me. I took off my collar and he tested me with the phone, which only had the sticker on, it worked, which means that the effects of the radiation were minimal. Then he put stickers on the watch and although his test showed that my colon was fine, my liver was still a problem. Then he told me to put the necklace on and tested me again with the watch and there it was, POW! substantial improvement.

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection
Black tourmaline bracelet that you can find in aliexpress

Clara's necklace was made of black tourmaline stone. Clara tells us very honestly that although she doesn't feel this special connection that everyone talks about, this necklace certainly works for her and she considers herself a believer. So much that she decided to buy his family a pair as a gift. She says that the nutritionist also decided to buy one because she thought it was so beautiful. It is impressive what you could discover by investigating stories related to stones like black tourmaline; sometimes we don't believe that something is real until we have the chance to see it first hand, so we invite you yourself if you suffer some of the ailments we mentioned, to experiment with this healing stone. What could you lose? On the contrary, you have a lot to gain.

This stone was very special for the empress and all who surrounded her, this is because she, as well as many others hold that the tourmaline, specifically the black tourmaline, has magical properties as they increase intuition and connect the body, mind and spirit, all in a single harmony that is simply beautiful and very difficult to achieve.

The mystic and extravagant tourmaline originates in acid plutonites, in which large crystals are formed. It always has the same structure, and the amount of minerals that compose it are those that give it the possibility of being of different colors.

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection
Healing sphere with black tourmaline that you can find in aliexpress

In countries such as Brazil, Afghanistan, Australia, Burma, India, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Zaire, Namibia you will find this beautiful gem.

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection

Protective and energetic properties

The benefits of tourmaline are related to the main characteristic of which we spoke to you at the beginning, the ions that the stone releases when heated would be the best way to explain the direct positive influence it has on the environments and on the mental and physical health of those who carry it.

If we study well the properties of the stone, we can deduce that it would be ideal for those people with extraordinary capacities to perceive paranormal energies in their environment, because besides absorbing the negative energies it can also help you to control the exaltations caused by fear.

The energy of black tourmaline not only has a very positive influence on your well-being and mental health but also on the health of your body.
Tourmaline influences the balance in various functions of the body, especially in processes of pathological diseases. Experimentally, it is widely used to eliminate pain, to cleanse the body of toxins and to balance the endocrine system. To relieve stress in situations of cancer, kidney stones, arthritis and allergies. Once again, these processes are intimately linked to the pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties of the stone. Tourmaline will also allow you to relieve stress.

If we are talking about physical health, it is inevitable to refer to the faculty of tourmaline to help unbalance and unblock the chakras, which makes it very good for reiki. Black tourmaline is related to the root chakra, which is essential for sustainability. Some connoisseurs of the subject say that it is very useful to place it in the solar plexus to help balance this area.

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection

Another unavoidable fact of this piece is its capacity to transmute energy, that is to say to pass positive energy to negative and vice versa. This sounds like a wonderful power; however, whoever carries it must keep it alert and protect it from the glances of strangers or "enemies".

Uses of Tourmaline

If your place of work has some electrical apparatus, it would be very beneficial for you to have a tourmaline in the place, because it will allow you to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiations.

It is also used as a mood enhancer: at home, in the office, in the car, in short, the places you frequent the most.

Its use in gemtherapy was also very important, thanks to the benefits it can bring to the ligaments of the skin and joints.

Magnetic therapy with black tourmaline

Tourmaline is mainly used for pressure measuring equipment, especially in underwater instrumentation and war equipment. This gem was used in the pressure sensor of the first atomic bomb.

Although the color black in nature is associated with not so positive feelings, in the case of tourmaline it happens quite the opposite.

The reason? sometimes in this earthly plane we cannot have all the answers, but what we can assure you are the wonders of tourmaline.

How to clean the Tourmaline

With tourmaline being a stone that can be transmuted from positive energy to negative and vice versa, it is very important that the one possessed for personal protection is as clean as possible.

When you feel that the process is improving, you will be able to apply wider spaces of time, but it will always be about how the person perceives the stone.

The process is as follows:
  • Place the stone under moonlight in a container with water and a little salt, if possible use seawater, the results are much more efficient.
  • Then the stone should be cleaned with fresh water and left to dry in a place exposed to the sun, once this happens it can be used.

The energies of the tourmaline are constant, however, if you require more power from it, you can "charge" or "activate" it.

Never forget if you receive a tourmaline as a gift or even if you buy it yourself to clean it to make sure everything is in order.

The black tourmaline is the most ideal choice if you are in search of continuous company, an element of nature that allows you to be protected from external energies. If you are a lover of black and the elegance you could transmit, you can wear it in a pair of earrings, a pendant or beautiful rings. The options are multiple, come to know it, you will not regret it.

Black Tourmaline: Elegance, Mystery and Protection
Tourmaline stone in aliexpress

Originally Post "Turmalina Negra: Elegancia, Misterio y Protección"

Translated by Oscar Moreno.

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