Fashion Magazine

Black Steal

By Masfashion

Duster coats have quickly become my “thing.” I love how easily they complete a look. Throw on a basic outfit and a really cool duster coat and you instantly look put together (examples here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). Really, that is my style in a nutshell. I hate fuss, over-complication, and over accessorizing. Sadly, in the hunt to find out what my style really was I fell victim to all of the aforementioned. I wore that big statement necklace with the cupcake skirt. And the platform sneakers and pom pom’s in my hair (spice up your life). I tried the skater pants and the baseball t-shirt (so avril). I wore the skinnies with the button-up and blazer (because of Kate Middleton, hello). Literally I tried every style and trend under the fashion rainbow. I still remember in college a group of my girlfriends were going in a circle describing each other and when they came to me they said, “You are trendy. Always, always on trend.” I remember being a little annoyed at this but then I sat there and realized, they were so right. I had tried every style known to mankind (did I mention I put black extensions in my hair because of Christina in her “dirty” faze? – yup, every trend) but nothing stuck. Why? Because I was always SO uncomfortable in the looks.

While I do believe being trendy is a style, it wasn’t going to be my style. For no other reason than I just never felt comfortable. It has taken yearsssss to find what I feel most “me” in. But over the past year I really believe I have finally found “it” (sigh of relief) –  minimal, classic, and comfortable (and maybe a little bit of a wannabe euro in there! haha). The older I get the more I notice how important it is to stay true to you and your style. It may take a few years to really figure it out but once you do, stick with it! Maybe you don’t know what your style is yet or you think you don’t have one, but you do! I challenge you to think about what it is. You might be shocked at where you end up.


outfit details //ASOS Duster coat, Mother ‘Cropped Zip Muse’ Coated jeans, Black Strap Sandals (in suede or with a shorter heel), Topshop Pocket blouse

accessory details // zeroUV sunnies($10), Dana Rebecca Lauren Joy necklace, Ellie Jay 5 Row diamond

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